Page 170 of Beast: Part One

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“Gabriel,” she squeals my name.

“That’s right. Be a good girl. Come all over me.”

She screams as she soaks me up. Her walls convulse around my length squeezing it tighter than a lover’s embrace. I lose my control. I let her neck go as I pin her legs to the side, allowing me a different angle. Summer claws at the sheets as I piston into her depths.

“Yes. Yes, don’t stop,” she cries as I drive into her faster and faster.

I can feel my release coming. The soles of my feet tingle. The feeling works its way up causing my stomach muscles to tighten.

“Tell me you love me,” I plead as I chase my own ending.

“I love you…….Uh….yes….. I love you,” she cries out.

My toes curl, my back bows, and with a roar, my cum shoots out of me and bathes her walls. I unload everything I have inside her.

I collapse down to the bed beside her, immediately pulling her into me. While placing kisses on her lips, I run my hand down her sweaty back.

“Good morning,” she says with a huge smile. I grin too.

“I can get use to a good morning like this.”

She leans in to kiss me again just as a soft knock interrupts us.

“Mama, Hulk, are you two finished playing?” My son’s soft voice comes through the door.

Summer looks at me and then buries her face in my chest. Her body vibrates with her laugher.

“We’re done now, kid.” I call out to him.

“Well, can I have some cereal now.”

Summer lifts her head. “I’m coming, baby. Go on downstairs.”

Gabe’s footsteps retreat from the door. Summer goes to get up, but I pull her back, not ready for her to move.

“Gabriel, I have to go,” she chuckles. “Your child needs to eat.”

I place another kiss on her lips, this time running my tongue over hers. She moans, making my dick hard again.

“Oh no,” she says pushing up off me. “Ms. Kitty is tapping out. She needs a break.” I let her get up. She grabs my shirt off the floor and puts it on.

“I’m going to feed him. You can shower and meet us downstairs.” I watch as she walks out of the bedroom, the bottom of my shirt touching her knees.

I quickly climb out of bed and stretch. My phone goes off on the nightstand, but I ignore it. I head to the shower to wash this morning’s festivities off.

Twenty minutes later, I walk out the bathroom fully dressed. Once again, my phone rings on the nightstand. I don’t have to guess who it is. There are only two people that know that number and one of them is in the house with me.

Picking up the phone I answer as I make my way downstairs.

“It’s been a while, Maksim.”

I immediately notice his heavy breathing through the phone. It sounds like he’s running.

“Beastie, you didn’t listen,” he huffs.

“And what was I supposed to listen to?” I ask as I step off the bottom step and into the kitchen.

“I told you what would happen if you kicked a hornet’s nest.”
