Page 154 of Beast: Part One

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“Who said I don’t want to be here?”

“You,” she shouts. “Every day I can see the exit plan on your face. You’ve had one foot out the door since you got here.”

“That’s not true.”

“Stop it, Gabriel. Stop telling me what you think I want to hear,” she shouts. “Be fucking honest and tell me the truth. Nobody wants me.”

“I want you,” I roar.

Summer goes silent. I never raise my voice. Mother beat that out of me when I was a kid. but watching her tell me that I didn’t want her, that my world doesn’t revolve around her, has me losing my grip with my control.

My hands clench and unclench at my side.

“Let me loose. Let me take control,” Mother whispers in my head. “I’ll teach that whore a lesson.”

I shut my eyes to block her out, glad it was her and not the other voice.

“You talk about being on someone else’s list, but you are my list, Summer. There is no one else but you. You are the only thing I thought of for five years. You are the silence in my head, the peace in my damaged mind. I crave your company more than I desire my solitude, and I’ve thrived my entire life being alone. You say you’re unworthy, but to me you are the very thing that keeps me alive.”

She stares at me, tears filling her eyes and slowly falling down her face.

“I don’t want you to leave,” her voice sounds small. It’s nothing like her normal tone.

I eat up the space between us, cupping her face in my hands, I stare down into her eyes.

“Then I won’t go.”

My mind runs rampant with all the ways I could hurt her and Gabe. The vision of George in my hands, the sinister voice in my head, all the things my mother told me would happen. It all plays on a loop in my head warning me this will never work. Yet, I don’t take the words back and I have no plans of letting her go.

“Promise me, Gabriel. Promise you won’t leave.”

I snatch the towel from around her and toss it to the bathroom floor. I lift her up easily. She wraps her legs around my waist before locking her lips to mine in a feverish kiss. I carry her into the bedroom placing her on the bed gently. My heavy body covers hers as I bite into her bottom lip and then suck it into my mouth.

Tears still track down her face. I take my time kissing them away. She takes my hair out of my bun. I’ve come to realize she likes my hair down when we make love. I ease down her body, giving her breasts attention. I suck the peak of one, then quickly move to the other.

She purrs underneath me like a sated kitten. I nip the flesh of her breast and then suck the sting away.

“Yes, baby,” she moans.

I run my tongue from her nipples down to her belly button loving the way her skin tastes against my tongue. When I get to her bare mound, I place soft kisses all over her pelvis.

Gliding my hands up her knees onto her thighs, I push her legs apart. She opens them wide for me. I bury my face into her middle inhaling her intoxicating smell. The vanilla body wash she must have used in the bath compliments her natural scent.

I swipe my tongue up her center, lapping up her essence. She lets out a moan that turns into a cry when I suck her clit into my mouth. I can’t get enough of the way she tastes. Pulling her hood back so her nub can stick out further I work my tongue over it. Feasting on her, feeling her body move underneath me, hearing her cries of pleasure and her fingers tug at my hair has my senses overloaded in the best way.

She quickly erupts on my tongue, thrashing against the bed. I continue my attack on her pussy. Dipping my tongue inside her and then back to work her pearl.

“No more, Gabriel. Please,” she cries as she tries to scoot my meal away from me.

I yank her hips back down. I remove my mouth but work my way back up her body. I allow my fingers to slowly continue the job my tongue was doing.

She whimpers as I kiss her.

“How could you think, I didn’t want you. I told you; you were mine. I meant it. I’m never giving you up Summer.”

I continue to slowly make circles around her clit as I use my other hand to free my cock from my pants.

“Don’t leave me, Gabriel.”
