Page 148 of Beast: Part One

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I’m losing my battle with my own orgasm. I’m like a shaken soda bottle ready to explode.

“Come for me. Now, Summer.” I squeeze her pearl between my fingers, and she shoots off to the moon with me right behind her.

I let out a roar as my legs go weak. I place my fisted hand against the shower wall to keep me on my feet as I continue to unload inside her. When I’ve finally given her all that I can, I pull out taking a step back.

She’s still bent over the bench. I can see some of my cum oozing out of her, with my fingers I push it back inside, not wanting any of it to escape.

Her laughter draws my attention away from my hand. Summer is looking over her shoulder at me.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were seriously trying to get me pregnant.”

I don’t comment because she isn’t ready for the truth. I turn my back to her and walk under the shower head. I was in the middle of a shower when she walked in the bathroom by accident.

Closing my eyes, I lean my head down, allowing the water to wash over me. Her soft touch on my back has my flaccid cock slowly coming back to life.

“When did you get the tattoos?” She asks as she reaches around me for the soap and body sponge.

“I started the back one not long after I got locked in, and the one over my heart,” I pause as I touch the numbers. “I got it right before the back one started.”

Summer takes her time washing my back and even running the sponge over my ass and around my stomach.

“What do they mean?”

I look over my shoulder at her. She glances at me briefly with a smile before bending to wash my calves and legs.

“Why do you think they mean something?”

She shrugs. “I know you. You don’t seem like the random tattoo person.”

I turn back to face the wall, taking my eyes off her. She has no idea what she does to me.

“She’s a poison. A virus. An infestation of the mind. She should be burned at the stake,” Mother claims.

“She is mine,” I reply in my head. “The demon on my back is my promise to you.”

Her hands still as she rises back up washing my lower back.

“What promise?”

I turn around to face her. She runs the sponge over my chest while the water cascades over my shoulders.

“I told you to let your demons go that night, that I’d carry them. I’m holding up my end of the deal.”

Her mouth falls open. I place my hand over the small of her back right over the dip before her ass curves out. I pull her toward me, not able to get enough of her skin against mine. For years I hated the feeling of being touched or having someone too close to me, but since the night I met Summer, I’ve always wanted her near me.

“The one on my heart,” I lift her hand up and place it on my chest over the number fifty. “It’s a reminder that no matter where I am, somewhere out there, your heart is still beating.” Her brows lift in confusion. “Fifty is your sleeping heart rate. The night I left you, I watched you sleep for hours. I counted your breaths and your heart rate.”

Her eyes fill with moisture, slowly a tear spills down her cheek. I wipe it away even though my hands are wet. I never want her to cry or hurt.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “You’re going to ruin me, Gabriel.”

“Good,” I lean forward and drop a kiss on her lips. She wraps her arms around my neck. I grip her ass and press her to my erection. I need her one more time.


Five hours after the shower and one more round in the bed, I’m sitting on the ground in a cold mausoleum carving out chess pieces with a smile on my face.

“She has softened you,” Mother growls in my head.
