Page 145 of Beast: Part One

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“Yes,” I moan.

He leaves a trail of kisses from my chest back up to my lips. Wrapping a hand around my throat, he tilts my head back so that he can deepen the kiss. The fact that five years ago this man knew almost nothing about sex yet now has the power to weaken me with a kiss is crazy.

I move my hands to his waist, unbuckling his belt. Once I’ve unfastened his jeans, I shove them down, trying to get to the one thing I need. The thing my body is leaking for.

Gabriel grabs my hands stopping me from pulling him out. He moves them over my head, pinning them there with one hand. With the other, he slowly glides my dress further down my body. I lift my hips allowing him to pull the fabric down. Once he gets it over my ass, he slips it down my legs and tosses it behind him.

I lay before him in nothing but the slight sheen of sweat that coats my body.

“You are my weakness,” he whispers as if the words were only meant for himself.

He runs a hand down my thigh to my knee slowly pulling my legs apart. My knees fall to the side, the cool air hitting my soaking wet pussy lips. Gabriel licks his lips as he stares at the mound between my legs.

He releases my hands and places his free one flat against my stomach before slowly dragging it down to the apex of my thighs. He cups my center and shuts his eyes. I try to imagine what he’s feeling. Can he feel the warmth coming from my lower lips, and the wetness that leaks from me. Does he know how bad I want him?

His eyes shoot open as he runs a finger over my sensitive clit. I hiss at the contact. He strokes my nub, dipping a finger inside of me. My breathing becomes labored, my lower half squirms. He places one heavy hand on my hip, holding me down.

“Please,” I beg.

I can feel my orgasm roaring to life. I need to feel him inside of me.

He moves his fingers faster. I should be embarrassed at the music my pussy is making for him. I’m soaking wet.

I claw at the blanket beneath me, my head thrashing from side to side as my orgasm crashes down on me. I scream his name. He holds me down and continues his work giving equal attention to my clit and the penetration of his other fingers.

When I feel as if I can’t take anymore, he pulls his fingers away from me and before I know it his head is buried between my legs. He sucks my sensitive nub.

I shoot off to the moon again, this time my mouth opens but no words come out, my head is thrown back and my back is arched so high it’s not touching the floor.

I come so hard and long I can feel my release leave my body. Tears fall from my eyes rolling down to my ears.

Gabriel laps up every drop of my essence as if I’m his favorite dessert. Finally, he moves back up my body trailing kisses on his way to my lips. With one arm to prop him up, he looks down at me.

The head of his dick presses against my opening. I close my eyes, preparing for the first push of him inside me.

“No,” he growls. “Open your eyes, Summer. See me.” I do as he says. Opening my eyes I look up into his green ones.

“Say it again,” he demands.

I don’t have to second guess what he’s asking me. Licking my lips, I cup his face as I say those three words to him.

“I love you.”

He pushes into me slowly.

“Uhhhh,” I whimper at the intrusion.

He hikes one leg up over his arm as he seats himself in my depths. He starts to stroke, rolling his hips with each entrance.

My moans grow louder but I never break eye contact with him.

“You’re mine forever. Forever,” he repeats as he moves faster. His balls smacking against my ass.

“Fuck. Shit.” I blurt out random curse words. “Don’t stop. Please.”

He lets my leg go and presses his head to mine placing a kiss on my lips. He rams his hips forward stroking so deep into me, I feel as if he’s found a secret tunnel. I toss my head back and scream. He groans before sitting up.

Grabbing both my legs, he holds them out in a wide V, as he fucks me deep. Letting one of my legs go, he uses his free hand to once again manipulate my clit.
