Page 140 of Beast: Part One

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I lift my shoulder and let it drop. “Don’t worry about it.”

I was a little disappointed, because I love to dance. And the thought of letting loose and having some fun with Gabriel was exciting.

He places a hand on my thigh. I look over to him and he’s staring at me.

“Come on.”

I smile so big my cheeks hurt. Gabriel stands and then holds out a hand for me. I place my hand in his and slide out the booth. He leads me to the dance floor. Oddly enough, when we get to the crowd, they immediately make a space for us.

The song the DJ is playing is fast paced. I expected Gabriel to stand there and just watch me dance. I would’ve never thought he could actually dance. He’s no Micheal Jackson or Chris Brown, but he stayed on the beat and was light on his feet.

We danced six songs back-to-back, only taking a few breaks to enjoy our drinks. Finally, my feet started complaining. letting me know that unless I wanted blisters in the morning, I had better sit my ass down.

Grabbing Gabriel’s hand, I lead him back to the table. As soon as we have a seat, I lean my head on his arm.

“I had no idea you could dance so well.”

He looks down at me, briefly before going back to scanning the room. “Priest taught us all how to dance when we were ten. We all thought it was stupid. Only person that enjoyed it was Zel. But, Zel usually liked everything.”

I loved when Gabriel talked about his brothers. It always brought a brightness to his eyes and a slight smile to his face.

“Well, that was nice of Priest. Is he like your father?”

He turns to look at me, his gaze narrows as he takes me in. He runs a finger over my dusting of freckles.

“Yeah, he is.” He finally says.

We enjoy the music a little longer. Gabriel spends the time texting on his phone and scanning the room. I dance in my seat as I enjoy my second Coca-Cola.

“Okay,” I say, putting my drink down. “I think I’m ready to order some food.”

He pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket and places it on the table. “Order. I have to take a leak.”

I look at his untouched glass of water. “Okay.”

He goes to slide out of the bench but stops. He turns back to me. “Do not move from this spot.”

Placing a hand to my head in a salute, I say, “Aye aye captain.”

He smirks at me before sliding out of the bench. I watch him as he disappears around the corner and into the back hallway where the bathrooms are. For this to be a fake date, it was turning out to be rather enjoyable.


There are a few people in the restroom when I walk in. They stare at me when I enter. I glare back at them. Two men at the urinals quickly shake themselves off before hastily stuffing their cocks back in their pants and clearing the bathroom. The other guy doesn’t even use the urinal before he leaves.

I go to the stall with the white paper that reads ‘Out of Order’ in black bold letters. I tear the caution tape down and walk into the bathroom.

Taped to the back of the toilet is a clear bag with one gun, a bowie knife and holster, and some construction wire. I place the knife and holster on my leg, the gun at my back and stick the wire in my pocket.

Although the bouncer wouldn’t have checked me when I came in, I still had to stash my weapons. Most members of the Church have been trained to spot the bulge of a gun or knife holster. Same way I spotted Victoria’s and Yohan’s back at Tim’s office.

I had no doubt that the Royals’ bodyguards could do the same. I couldn’t take the risk of carrying my stuff with me.

Just then the door to the bathroom creaks open and two sets of footsteps enter. The click of the lock echoes through the area.

After flushing the toilet, I unzip my pants. I then walk out the bathroom rezipping them.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here, brother? Beast Boy at a Royal Society affair?”
