Page 135 of Beast: Part One

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I don’t know what mission he’s on, but it has his head completely occupied.

“What are godparents for if not to spoil our only godchild.”

I shake my head at my best friend. I’m in my work room putting the final touches on some custom orders. I glance up into my phone mounted on my desk by the ring light.

“And where do you think he’s bringing that giant doll house?”

“First off, it’s not a doll house. When James finishes building it, it will be a child size replica of the Avengers headquarters.”

I shake my head and roll my eyes at Trina.

“I can’t believe you and Gabe suckered that man into building that thing.”

Trina scoffs. She pulls the phone down for a second and I can tell she’s walking through her house from the flash of the walls around her. She stops, stares down at the phone and then the screen switches. I’m now staring at James and Gabe sitting amongst a giant pile of Legos. They are both fully focused on putting the little pieces together. The camera flips back to Trina.

“Does that look like a man that’s being suckered.” She’s moving back through the house again, I’m assuming heading back to her bedroom.

I toss my head back and laugh. Suddenly my phone vibrates, and the screen switches over to a call. It’s Andrew. I hit decline and go back to my FaceTime with Trina.

“Who was that?” She asks, taking a seat back on her bed. Her back pressed against the headboard.

Sighing, I say. “Andrew.”

She’s quiet for a moment. “When’s the last time you talked to him?”

“A couple of days ago. We’ve been talking on the phone, but he keeps wanting to see me again.”

“That’s what people who are dating usually do. They see each other.”

Placing the necklace I was working on back down on the table, I turn in my seat to give Trina my full attention.

“I know, it’s just…Andrew is nice, but—”

“He isn’t your baby daddy.”

Blinking a few times, I hold up a hand. “Whoa. Where did that come from? You know that me and Gabriel are just—”

“Playing a dangerous game.” She takes a sip of her drink. “You can tell me a thousand times he’s not staying. Doesn’t change the way that man looks at you or the way you glow when you’re in his presence.”

“Okay, so what. Yes, I like Gabriel.”

“Like?” she scoffs. “Baby, you have passed like. You love that man.”

Leaning forward I wave my hands in front of the screen. “Pump the breaks.” I chuckle. “Don’t be ridiculous. He’s only been here a month.”

“And?” She shrugs. “I knew after the first date that James was special. Two weeks after that, I knew he and I would get married. Hell, the first month I was in love. This is a man that shares a child with you. A man that helped you change your life around after one night with him.

“I don’t know what happened the night you made G, and I won’t pretend like I don’t know it wasn’t all rainbows and roses. Something scared the shit out of you. And maybe it has to do with the fact that Nic was brutally murdered that night, but something freaked you out. However, I also know that whatever you shared with that man that night stuck with you. So, no, it’s not hard to believe that after nearly of month of him living with you, you have fallen in love.”

I slink back in my chair. Leaning my head back, I stare up at the ceiling. She’s not lying. Before Gabriel came back, I never knew what kept me from falling for anyone else. He’s been back a month and I miss him when he’s gone. I can’t wait to see him when he comes back. I think of new ways to spend my time with him. And seeing him bond with his son is one of the best feelings in the world. Even when I tell myself that I’m not falling for him and this won’t last, I still run headfirst into him.

“We’re not good together.” Even saying the words out loud doesn’t sound believable.

“Keep telling yourself that, maybe you’ll start to believe it. But in the meantime, you need to be honest with Andrew. He’s a good guy and doesn’t deserve to be strung along.”

I scoff. “You’re right. I have to tell him.”

Before Trina and I could say anything else, Gabriel storms into my work room with a black garment bag and a brown shimmery shoe box. He lays the bag and shoes over the hobby table in the middle of the room.
