Page 120 of Beast: Part One

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I toss my head back and laugh. “You wouldn’t dare.”

When I glance back at him, he isn’t laughing.

“Fine,” I tease. “You don’t have to walk me down the aisle. You can sit in the back with all the other last-minute guests.”

“Won’t change the outcome,” he states.

“You’re so full of shit,” I chuckle rolling my eyes.

I don’t take these little comments with Gabriel seriously. Do I believe he could kill my groom? Yes. But I won’t fool myself into believing he’s jealous or that he’s saying this because he wants me. He has no idea what he wants, and in the end he will still leave.

“Alright, you’re going to shower while I make some popcorn and queue up Game of Thrones. You’re not climbing in my bed with all that blood on you.”

For a second, he looks as if he’s going to argue with me. I know I have no reason allowing him to sleep in the bed with me. But hell, I’m not getting dick. The least I can do is wake up in the strong arms of a man. A girl can dream.

Eventually Gabriel dips his chin at me. I smile as I walk out of the bathroom.

chapter Twenty-nine

We Need You


I push my ass back, trying to move my son’s knee out of my back. I don’t remember Gabe climbing in my bed last night.

“Gabe,” I say groggily. “Move your knee.” I scoot my butt back once more, this time coming into contact with a solid surface.

A warm hand lands on my hip.

“I’m not Gabe, and that isn’t my knee.”

My eyes pop open immediately. Gabriel’s voice is already deep and sexy, but when you add that sleepy huskiness to it, it’s downright an aphrodisiac. And to a woman that hasn’t had real dick in years, it’s dangerous.

“You need to tame that damn dragon,” I joke. “Some of us don’t have as much restraint as you do.” I chuckle, but my laughter gets cut off when Gabriel wraps his arm around me and rolls me over on top of him.

I gasp. “Gabriel.” I’m lying against his bare chest, my legs straddling his stomach, his dick knocking against my ass. The thin satin shorts and panties I’m wearing allow me to feel everything.

“I think you overestimate my control.”

This is the point where I should get up and put some distance between us. Nothing sustainable can come from me continuing this game with him. However, my decision-making skills still require some work.

“Placing me on top of you does not refute my claim.” I say, folding my arms on top of his chest and placing my chin on my hands. “You’re still in control.”

He grips my ass in the palm of his hands and squeezes before he starts to massage it. It feels so good I have to shut my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them. I don’t think he realizes what he’s doing to me.

“For your safety.”

His reply catches me off guard. I squint up at him.

“My safety? Is that your way of telling me you’re going to beat up my pussy?” I tease.

Last time Gabriel and I were intimate, he didn’t say much. In fact, other than some grunts and randomly asking if he was doing it right, he didn’t speak much at all. Having him joke about sex and touch me so freely was a big improvement. One I liked a lot.

“Are you challenging me?” his eyes lower as he stares into my face.

He slips his hands past my shorts and into my panties, gripping my ass in both hands before using one of his long fingers to run down the slippery folds of my lower lips. I should be embarrassed at how wet I am for him already. However, embarrassment is the furthest emotion from my mind.

I bite into my bottom lip and moan when he slowly pushes one finger into my wet walls. It makes a slushing sound, proving just how aroused I am for him.
