Page 115 of Beast: Part One

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We parked his car in a parking garage and took the train into Manhattan so we wouldn’t have to worry about traffic.

“Yeah, me either. I have an idea.”

“Oh really. What’s that?” He smiles, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

“There’s a bookstore not too far from here that has the best pastries in the city.”

“Bookstore?” He looks a little surprised.

“Yep, and the owner is really nice.”

The smile that slipped a little earlier comes back. “Okay, show me the bookstore.”

I take him to Books and More. When we walk in, Malia is there and leaning against the counter is a handsome man with dark brown hair and tattoos. He’s in a black T-shirt and dark pants. He turns to look at us when we walk in but quickly turns back to Malia. He looks identical to Malia’s boyfriend, but also very different, which is weird.

He says something that makes her blush. He then leans over the counter to give her a kiss that has my toes curling. Well maybe it is her boyfriend and he’s just dressed differently. Either that or Malia is fucking twin brothers and if that’s the case, she deserves a medal.

The guy wipes her lips after he’s done kissing her, he then turns away and walks out of the shop. He walked right by us without glancing in our direction.

“What’s the best thing here?” Andrew asks, regaining my attention.

We walk up to the counter together.

“Hey, Summer,” Malia says with a smile as she looks over to Andrew. “Who is this?”

“Malia, this is Andrew. He’s a…. friend.”

“Nice to meet you.” Andrew holds out a hand to shake with Malia. She shakes his hand before turning back to me.

“Where’s my baby tonight?”

“Gabe is spending the night with Trina. She wanted an excuse to go see the new Disney movie.” I say playfully rolling my eyes.

Malia laughs. She’s used to Trina’s antics. “I have to get him over to the house to hang with Emory soon,” she says.

“We can set something up at the next Sunday story time,” I add.

“Great. Now what can I get for you two?”

“I was told you had the best pastries around so, I’m excited to try something,” Andrew says stepping closer to me.

We ordered two apple turnovers; I got her raspberry lemonade and Andrew got tea. We then found a seat near the window.

“Are you close friends with the shop owner?” He asks as soon as I take my seat across from him.

“Kind of. I come here every Sunday, and our kids adore each other.”

He nods before taking a bite out of his apple turnover. His eyes immediately shut, and he moans.

“Good, right?”

He nods his head vigorously while opening his eyes. “Best I’ve ever had.”

“I told you. Malia can’t be touched when it comes to baked goods.” Every chance I get I tell someone new about her shop.

“Tell me, Summer. What do you do in your spare time?”

We were at this stage of dating where we got to know the deeper details of each other’s personal lives. It’s my second least favorite part of dating, right after the initial get to know each other conversation.
