Page 9 of Sunstone Sacrifice

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No one offers Sebastian a drink.

Not that he would accept one, anyway.

Whether it’s paranoia or hating the implication of accepting a kindness, he’s terrible at being civil. Maybe when you have an entire horde of vampires behind you, you don’t need friends.

Sounds like a lonely existence to me.

“So, are you going to tell us about the moonstone amulet now?” Sebastian asks, his tone making it clear it’s more of a demand than a request.

Point proven.

I shoot Sebastian a glare and hope he takes the hint to keep his mouth shut, though I’m not about to hold my breath. “We know the moonstone has been in your possession these last twenty-five years, but we still don’t know why Egan is so keen to get his paws on it.”

Blessedly, Sebastian keeps quiet.

Still, I keep an eye on him in my periphery where he stands against the wall with his face screwed up, somehow still managing to look exquisite even in his dirtied and torn button-up, usually so pristinely white.

He looks good a little roughed up, almost like a layer of his outer shell has been peeled back and I’m closer to seeing the real Sebastian.

Lilian draws my attention away from the vampire. “This amulet is one of two powerful talismans that were created on the night of the Unity Ritual.”

I blink. “Two? There is another artifact floating around out there? Does Egan know that?”

Lilian nods. “He does.”

“And, of course, the bastard wants to harness their power,” Rune says next to me, his blunt nails tapping the side of the emptied teacup. “But for what reason? What’s his endgame?”

“The power of the amulet is reason enough,” I say.

“But he must have a plan to go to such lengths. Is he planning to take a stand against Sebastian and the French Quarter?”

Lilian shakes her head, the lines around her mouth tightening. “Egan’s intentions aren’t entirely clear as of yet.”

“Of course they are,” her niece says. “The werewolf alpha wants to use the stones to destroy the unity bonds.”

“Violet!” Lilian scolds.

What? Destroy the unity bonds? Does Egan not realize what that would mean? I’m not even sure I know what that would mean.

Nothing good.

“What?” The teen is unfazed by the harsh tone, meeting her aunt’s cold stare with one of annoyance. “The dude attacked the leader of one of the ten parishes. He’s getting bolder while we sit on our asses and hide. We don’t have time to wait for you to get to the point. We need their help.”

A nasty red blotch climbs up Lilian’s neck. “I think it’s time for the children to go to bed so the adults can speak.”

Violet rolls her eyes. “It’s gonna be hard to get any sleep with all the commotion you’ve invited into our home.”

I know what she means. Having so much turbulent energy in close quarters is making my stomach churn. And the family spat happening at the table isn’t making that any better.

I take a sip of my tea, hoping to settle the seasick feeling sloshing around my insides.

“Go,” Lilian urges, her face going red. “To your room, outside, I don’t care—just go.”

Violet opens her mouth to argue, but then rethinks. Her indignant huff is almost entirely drowned out by the scraping of wood against wood as she pushes her chair away from the table.

Shooting her aunt a wild stink eye, she turns to stomp through the ring of Moon Witches that stand around the table and against the walls.

Lilian rubs at her temple and exhales. “Raising a teenager was hard enough the first time around,” she says, sounding tired.
