Page 84 of Sunstone Sacrifice

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Finn grows eerily still, his gaze searching my face. “What are ye sayin’, luv?”

“I’m saying that I’m done being scared of everything. My perspective of my life, my family, and my place in the witching community have all been warped by others. It’s time I figure out where Gaia and my destiny are taking me.”

He licks his lips and swallows. “And our unity bond is part of that?”

“A big part of it, yes.” I step closer, pressing my breasts against his chest as I wrap my hands around the back of his neck. “No more hiding, Celt. If we’re mates, we’re in this. I’m taking down the wards and we’re going to make a go of it.”

“All of us?”

“Yes. All of us.”

His gaze narrows. “Even Sebastian?”

I understand his skepticism, but I’m working on a new, focus-forward approach to things in my life. “He and I aren’t ready to elope, but we’ve come to an understanding. He isn’t the man I was taught to despise and I’m hoping I can help bridge the chasm between us.”

The smile that earns me is nothing short of radiant. “Well, I’m all for it, of course. Ye know I’ve always been on Team Josephine.”

I reach up on my toes and hug him. “I know you have. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to sort through the reality of our lives.”

He rubs a firm hand over my back, his embrace more relaxed than it’s ever been. “Och, luv. When ye live immortal lives, a few weeks or months is no time at all. I’m just tickled that this is where we ended up.”

When I ease back, his eyes are practically glowing scarlet and my core weeps. “So, from now on, no holding back. I don’t want you to censor your thoughts or tell me what you think I want or need to hear. I’m tired of that. I’m finally free from the gilded cage I’ve been kept in and I want more from life.”

Finn nods. “Then more is what you shall have.”

“Good. Now with your filters off, tell me what you think about everything I just said.”

He drops his chin and locks gazes with me. The scarlet glow has only gotten brighter, and I sense how close the vampire is to overtaking the man.

“I think that whether yer goddess meant for it to happen or not, whether it’s wise or not, this bond is a once in a lifetime strike of lightning.” He lifts his hand and runs his fingers through my hair from my shoulder down to where it falls against my breast.

I pull in a breath as the backs of his fingers brush over the hard peak of my nipple. “I want more from life, too. I want more than yer body and yer blood. I want yer laughter and your smiles.”

Turning away from the shop, he pulls me deeper into the shadows beneath the great tree’s umbrella of blooms. “I want things I’ve never wanted from any other woman.”

With a boldness that surprises me, he reaches down the outside of my thighs and gathers the fabric of my peasant skirt. Firm fingers inch the hem up my legs until his hands glide along my bare skin. “I want yer blood in my veins, yer cream on my tongue, and yer breathless pants callin’ out my name when ye come.”

Gaia have mercy. I told him to stop censoring himself and now his hunger thrums across our bond. He presses his hips against my core and shifts to yank my panties down my thighs.

“I want to take ye right here and show ye just how good it can be.” He draws his fingers through my folds and growls as my damp heat slicks his touch.

Pulling his hand free, he sucks those glistening digits into his mouth. A sizzling, predatory glimmer sparks in his eyes. “Ye trigger a primal side of me, Josie. Ye don’t understand how dangerously I need to be inside ye right now. It’s agonizing.”

Grabbing the front of his pants, I scramble to get them undone. When I spring his cock free, I swallow. “I want things too.”

“Aye? What do ye want most in this moment, mate? Tell me and ye’ll have it.”

Oh, so many things. “Fuck me like you’ve fantasized about. I want your fangs in me when you do it, too.”

In the blur of a moment, Finn lays me on the spongy ground beneath the tree and lifts my skirt to my waist. My underwear has no chance of survival and snaps beneath the force of a vampire possessed.

A shiver zings down my spine as he drops to his knees between my feet and stares up the length of my body. “Open yer legs for me, little witch.”

I do as I’m told, and he bites his bottom lip, his fangs dropping. “So beautiful. Ye should see how wet ye are for me. It’s incredible.”

I don’t need to see it. I can feel it.

He crawls forward, prowling like a predator, drawing his tongue up the inside of my thighs. Goosebumps break out across my skin and my nipples tighten even harder.
