Page 115 of Sunstone Sacrifice

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My eyebrows arch, but I appreciate the shrewdness. “What do you want?”

Away from the wolves. It’s dangerous foraging around here. All seven of my brothers and my four sisters have been eaten.

“Yikes. No problem. I’ll relocate you as soon as we’re done here.”

Fine. What do you need me to do?

“See that building? I think the wolves have a friend of mine in there, but I can’t see or hear what’s going on. If you can get inside, I think I can see through your eyes.”

After a brief pause, Chippy accepts my terms and climbs into my palm. I lean my back against the tree, close my eyes, and open a connection between the two of us.

When I feel my perspective shift, I set the little guy down and get a ground view of the clearing as he bounds across the grassy distance.

This will work. The chipmunk’s diminutive stature affords me a unique view of the world as we navigate a maze of towering obstacles.

The outbuilding bears the weight of time, its boards weathered and, in some places, chipped.

That’s how we’ll get in.

The closer we get, the thicker the air becomes with the acrid scent of sweat, blood, and fear.

I close my eyes, hoping Egan isn’t doing what I think he is. Because, if I’m right…I don’t see how I can help Aiden or the others.

It seems like it takes my chipmunk friend ages to make his way into the building, but when he does, it’s worse than I thought.

Aiden is kneeling in the center of the room while six other men, all of them smeared with blood, their clothes torn, and their wrists and ankles zip-tied together, lay panting on the dirt floor around him.

Aiden’s eyes, wide with terror, dart between the group of men writhing on the ground and the pack Alpha sitting on the metal chair five feet in front of him.

“I know you’re part of Sebastian’s army, so I’ll make you a deal.” Egan’s self-satisfied tone makes me wish I could control Chippy so we could bite the damn werewolf in the balls.

Egan’s eyes gleam with malevolent delight as he leans closer. “Join me. Stop being a grunt for those bloodsuckers and seize the strength and nobility of becoming pack.”

Despite his fear, Aiden is fighting to maintain a facade of bravery. “You won’t break me. Do whatever you want to me, but I’ll never betray the vampires. My loyalty is to the King of the Quarter.”

Fucking right it is. Atta boy.

Egan’s laughter echoes through the room. It’s a chilling sound as his pack joins in. “Ah, but that will make this all the more satisfying, kid. When you’re pack, we can use your loyalty against them.”

Aiden’s eyes widen. “You’re going to turn me?”

Egan’s grin widens, revealing his glistening fangs. “Loyalty and unwavering determination are traits we prize in our pack. If you’re willing to hold on to your convictions, even when the world turns against you, then you’ll make a fine addition to the Algiers wolves.”

Fucking hell.

The massive wolf lunges toward Aiden, and his gleaming teeth descend in a horrifying bite.

The agonized scream that pierces the room sears into my brain. The kid drops to the dirt, his lithe body curling in on itself. His mouth is open, but he has no breath to scream.

I can’t watch any longer. There’s nothing I can do to save him, anyway.

I’m so sorry, kid.

I tell the chipmunk I’ve seen enough and wait for him to return. I don’t open my eyes again until I hear him scampering through the grass, and we’re ready to go.

“Thanks, dude. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

