Page 31 of Colt's Salvation

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If Atlas and Kellen could get to the point where they now were, Milo had hope that he and Colt could do the same.

“Can you call your brother?” Milo asked. “My phone is dead, but I really want to talk to him right now.” He glanced at the store. “I wish I didn’t have to work today.”

“Who’s your supervisor?” Kellen asked.

“Her name is Deloris.” Milo watched as Kellen pulled out his phone and texted someone. Hopefully Colt. Milo wanted to see his mate badly. It was just going to suck not to have as much time as he wanted to talk to him.

“I know her.” Kellen tucked his phone into his front pocket. “As soon as Colt gets here, I’ll go inside and smooth things over with Deloris so you can have today off.”

Milo frowned. “How do you know her? Is she one of you guys?”

Kellen chuckled. “No, she’s human. A month ago I came into the store to grab some things, and she flirted her ass off with me.” He grinned. “That was before Atlas. I might be gay, but everyone likes a good ego stroke.”

“You’re going to flirt with my supervisor?” Milo wrinkled his nose. “She has to be in her fifties, and you’re mated.”

“I’ve had decades of practicing the fine art of finesse.” He winked. “I’m mated, but I haven’t lost my touch. I just use my superpowers on Atlas now. I’ll also tell Atlas about it when I pick him up from work.” His smile faded a little. “We don’t cheat on our mates, and I don’t keep anything from Atlas. It’s not always comfortable being so honest, but it only makes a mating stronger.”

“I don’t want you getting into trouble with Atlas,” Milo said as Colt pulled in and parked three spaces down from Kellen.

“Atlas will give me shit about it, but he knows how much I love him and that I wouldn’t do anything to betray his trust.” Kellen jerked his head toward Colt’s truck. “No matter how angry he gets, he would never hurt you, Milo. I give you my word.”

“Thanks for talking to me and calling him,” Milo said. “Let Colt know either way about Deloris. I just want to know if we can go back to your house or if I should stay in the parking lot until it’s time for me to go inside.”

“I got this.” Kellen pushed away from his car. “You two can take off.”

Milo pulled his hands from his pockets and walked toward where Colt parked. His mate had gotten out and was standing there, looking unsure as Milo approached.

Since they were mated, their souls bonded, Milo needed to have that uncomfortable conversation about Eric. After all, they were going to be together for hundreds of years, according to Cannon. If Milo and Colt were going to make this work, trust had to be given on both sides.

Chapter Ten

Pain and regret radiated in Colt’s dark green eyes as Milo stopped a foot from his mate. “We were both being unreasonable. Kellen said he would get me the rest of the day off, so if you’re willing to talk, then so am I.”

With a nod, Colt led Milo to the passenger side and helped him into the truck. Neither said a word as he drove toward the exit.

Milo’s heart beat faster when he saw his uncle’s red pickup driving past them as Eric headed toward the store. Was he there to shop or to talk to Milo? It was close to the beginning of the month, so Eric would want Milo’s half of the bills.

He prayed his uncle didn’t see him as Colt merged with the light traffic on the street, unaware how terrified Milo was right now. After the beating Eric had given him, Milo never wanted to see the asshole again.

Instead of Colt driving them to his house, he took them to the same spot they’d visited in the forest then parked.

“Are we going to hunt for that bear?” Milo asked as Colt cut the motor. He didn’t like how quiet his mate had been the entire drive. He wanted to know what was going through Colt’s mind.

“No,” Colt said. “I’m going to steal a page from Kellen’s book, but I wanted to take a walk with you while I did.”

With no idea what Colt was talking about, Milo got out. He watched as his mate locked the truck but not before depositing his wallet and phone in the center console. Then he hid his keys behind the same rock as last time.

“Look, Colt,” Milo said when his mate joined him by the table, “I can see that you’re still upset, and I don’t want to get into another argument with you. It’s okay if you need more time to cool off. You can just take me back to work, and maybe by tonight we can have this conversation.”

When Colt had pulled into the space at the store, his eyes had been filled with misery. Milo thought for sure the guy would apologize and they’d talk the entire ride, but that wasn’t the case. He didn’t like how solemn Colt appeared.

“I promise I’m not upset with you.” Colt took his hand. “I just have something heavy on my mind that I want to share with you, but I’m honestly not looking forward to talking about it.”

Milo followed next to him, noticing how Colt tempered his long strides so Milo didn’t have to walk faster. “If you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to.”

They took the same path as before, which made Milo look around for any sign of that large bear.

“Tell me about your mom,” Colt said.
