Page 61 of Royal Twist

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We exited the museum and hailed a taxi, squeezing in for the short ride back to the Four Seasons Hotel. Upon arrival, we entered the grand lobby and made our way to Zitouni, the hotel’s renowned Egyptian restaurant known for its traditional cuisine.

As we entered the restaurant, Abena and Darius were waiting for us.

“There they are!” Abena said, rushing over and embracing Veronica warmly before introducing us to her husband.

She wore a vibrant blue kaftan embroidered with gold while Darius dressed in a sharp white kaftan. They looked regal together, as if they were royals themselves.

“It’s such an honor to meet you, Your Highnesses,” he said, his voice carrying a respectful tone as he gave a slight bow. “What a pleasure it is to have you here in our country.”

Darius stood tall, his stature accentuated by an effortless charisma, with skin the rich hue of well-brewed coffee. His handsome features were framed by a warm, welcoming smile that put me instantly at ease.

Veronica quickly waved off the formalities as usual, “Please, as I told Abena before, call us by our first names.”

“You’re very kind,” Darius replied, his smile broadening even more.

With introductions out of the way, a hostess approached us and gestured to the tables. “Please follow me.”

The restaurant was exquisitely decorated, balancing modern elegance with traditional Egyptian flair. Golden lights illuminated the intricate mosaic tiles and lush furnishings, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. Large windows framed the stunning Nile River, adding a picturesque backdrop to our dining experience.

As we settled into our seats, Darius, with an assured grin, suggested we start with his favorite local appetizers and drinks. He also recommended the stuffed vine leaves paired with grilled lamb chops for the main entrée, a choice that the server endorsed with a proud smile as he took our orders.

Once the server had left, I turned to Darius, intrigued by a piece of his life story Abena had shared with me earlier. “Abena mentioned you’re an orange farmer.”

Darius nodded, his eyes lighting up. “Yes, that’s right. My family has been in textiles for generations, but I wanted to carve out my own path. I ventured into agriculture, specifically into citrus farming, which was quite a pivot from what everyone expected. It has been rewarding.”

“He’s being modest, as usual,” Abena chimed in, her eyes sparkling with pride as she patted Darius’s hand. “Egypt is the number one exporter of oranges in the world, and Darius isn’t just any farmer—he’s one of the top innovators in the industry. His techniques have revolutionized how oranges are cultivated here, making his farms among the most revered in the nation.”

Darius gave a humble shrug and chuckled. “Abena loves to brag about me, but I’m the one who should be sending praises her way. There isn’t a guy in the world luckier than me, to have a wife so smart, kind, and beautiful.” He leaned closer and whispered. “Don’t tell Abena, but she is way out of my league.”

I chuckled, liking him even more. “How long have you two been married?”

“It’s been five wonderful years,” Abena replied, her eyes meeting Darius’s with a warmth that filled the room. “And I’m the one who is fortunate here. This man is my life.”

I observed them, both so comfortable and attuned to each other, as if they had been together for a couple of decades. The way they cherished each other was something I admired.

Just then, two servers returned, arms laden with hummus, tabbouleh, feta salad, yogurt with mint, and tahini. The table quickly filled with the array of colorful and fragrant food.

Caleb’s eyes widened as he surveyed the spread. “Okay, this is a lot.”

“Pace yourself—you need to save room for the grilled lamb chops and the dessert,” Darius joked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

Over dinner, the conversation shifted naturally to Egypt’s history and some things we had seen in the museum.

“It’s incredible to think about,” I mused. “The history here makes Verdana seem like a baby in comparison.”

“And Kastonia,” Veronica added.

After a sumptuous dinner and indulgent desserts, Daphne leaned back with a groan. “I can’t move.”

“Then it’s a good thing you’ll have a night to rest,” Abena said, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. “The expo starts early tomorrow, and Veronica, your session is the first and the most anticipated of the day. But as I mentioned, you only need to commit to the two hours. To lighten the afternoon, I’ve also arranged for a tour of the pyramids for the four of you—it’s only a forty-five-minute drive from here.”

We all expressed our gratitude and excitement as we said our goodbyes for the evening, then Caleb, Daphne, Veronica, and I headed to the elevator, which whisked us up to our suites on the top floor.

“Veronica, can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked, catching her before she followed Daphne.

“Of course,” she replied, her voice soft.

As Caleb disappeared into our suite and Daphne entered hers, Veronica and I were left alone in the hall.
