Page 5 of Rewarding His Jock

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With a glance back at him for a second, I let out the loudest sigh I can muster before I start writing.


A day that would usually be reserved for recovering from the football game the night before. A time to relax a little, maybe do some conditioning, but mostly just hanging out. A day to sleep in without an annoying roommate refusing to leave me alone.

This week was long, hard, and exhausting. You would think that knowing what I went through this week, Hunter would let me sleep in out of the kindness of his heart. But you’d be wrong. Turns out, he doesn’t have one.

I paid attention to all my classes yesterday and even went to the team athletic center’s Friday study hall session. That alone warrants being allowed to sleep in on a Saturday. At least, it should.

“Luke, I'm not telling you again. Get up.”

Ignoring him still, I pull my pillow over my face and let out a whine that will hopefully make him disappear.

It doesn’t.

The pillow is ripped away from me with a strength greater than Hunter has any right to possess.

Sitting up, I glare at Hunter through my tired eyes that aren’t even completely open yet. “What.”

“Get. Up.”


“Luke, I swear?—”

“You’re not my fucking Daddy, dammit. Piss off!”

The room goes quiet, and my eyes go wide for a moment as I register what I just said. Maybe he didn’t hear it. Maybe, if I don’t make eye contact with him, he’ll just forget about it. Keeping my head down, I throw my legs over the side of the bed and head to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth.

Hunter mutters something when I walk past him. It isn’t clear, but it definitely couldn’t have been what it sounded like. Because it sounded like, “Maybe I should be your Daddy. Clearly, you need one.”

My head turns back toward Hunter in some sort of attempt to make sense of what he actually said.

His face tells me nothing, but his eyes tell me everything. They’re pointed, accusatory, and just daring me to step out of line again so he can punish me for it.

I shudder a little, and my semi-hard dick twitches in my pants.

Fuck. That thought is definitely hot.



Fuck, he looks so good when he’s sleepy. So warm and sexy, like he just needs to be pulled into my arms and cuddled for a while. But we don’t have time for that. He needs to get his grades up, and we don’t have time for distractions.

As he disappears into the bathroom, I run into the kitchen and lean over the sink, holding all the shirts and hoodie I’m wearing up under my chin so I can quickly squeeze out as much milk as possible. It always seems to start leaking when Lucas is around. Or when I’m thinking of him.

Which is always.

It looks like a gallon of milk sprays into the sink, mixing with the water I’ve turned on, and I immediately feel better. Not great, but better. As long as I can get through a few hours with him before finding an excuse to hit the shower, we’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll let him take a nap after lunch if he makes good progress. That should help.

The bathroom door opens, and I hear Lucas setting up on the couch in our living room, so I lower all my shirts and let the baggie hoodie fall down over me. I’m already sweating from the warmth being locked against me, but that’s the price I’ll have to pay until I figure out a better solution.

“You want a bagel or oatmeal?” I already know his answer, so I grab the bag of bagels and pull out three.

“Bagel, please. One toasted, one not.”

Grinning at his predictability, I toss two in the toaster oven and then pull the cream cheese out of the fridge. He likes to have one hot and save one for a little while, which he’ll eat at room temperature. “Be right there. Pick the subject you want to start with, and we’ll make flash cards.”
