Page 84 of Play Dead

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I placed my tiles on the board. D-U-P-E-R-Y.

Addison leaned over to examine the word. “Ooh, we can be passive aggressive and score actual points? I’m already a big fan.”

“It’s best not to try to be clever. Focus on the points.” I indicated the available spot for triple word score.

“Snookums, I don’t have to try. I’m a natural.” She spelled out ‘verity,’ borrowing the ‘y’ from dupery. Because of the placement, she couldn’t take advantage of the triple word score. Still, I was impressed.

“There’s hope for you yet, Addison Gray.”

Her gaze locked on mine. “Tessa.”

“Excuse me?”

“My human name was Theresa Sowinski. Everybody called me Tessa.” Her gaze dropped to the board. “It seems only right to tell you.”

“Mathis said it was Melissa.”

“I had it legally changed to Melissa when I left home.”

I set more tiles on the board. “Would you like me to call you Tessa?”

Her face turned to stone. “No. Tessa’s dead. If I’m being honest with myself, she died the day I put my hometown in my rearview mirror.” She slapped her tiles on the board. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“I’m glad you did.”

The ward activated, sending a pulsating energy through my veins. I snapped a photo of the board as I stood.

“What are you doing?”

“Preserving the integrity of the game while I answer the door.” I picked up both bags of tiles, prompting a whistle from Addison.

“Talk about trust issues.”

“You admitted you’re a sore loser. I’m taking precautions.” I shoved the bags in the cabinet and left the kitchen as Matilda swept inside like a spy avoiding detection by the outside sentries.

“There’s a delivery truck outside the gate,” she said.

“Weird. I didn’t order anything.”

The Night Mallt peered out the window. “A ruse, like the Trojan horse.”

I stood shoulder to shoulder with her. “Looks legit.” The truck bore the recognizable logo of a nationwide company.

“But you claim not to have ordered anything.” She sucked in a breath. “They appear to be carrying a dead body wrapped in cloth.”

“Well, I certainly didn’t order that.”

“She didn’t order anything, but I did.”

I pivoted to face Addison. “What did you buy?”

The avatar brushed past me and opened the door. “Quit being so paranoid and let them in.” She greeted the deliverymen with a cheerful smile. “Hello, gentlemen. Straight upstairs. First bedroom on the right.”

I eyed her skeptically. “It isn’t a dead body, is it?”

“It’s a mattress,” Addison said, slightly indignant. “My aching back deserves the bare minimum.” She followed the men upstairs.

My gaze snagged on the Night Mallt’s disapproving eyebrows. “What?” I asked.
