Page 79 of Play Dead

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Goran seemed to mull it over. “It has been a very long time.”

“If they say no, you’re no worse off than you are now.”

“True, unless they get angry that I dared to ask. The Givers can be prickly creatures.”

That was true of most deities.

“I’d only like a quick word with them, but they won’t see me without an introduction… and a bloodless sacrifice.”

He considered the offer for another moment. “Okay. I’ll do it.”


“Why not? You move me to Bone Lake safe and sound, and we have a deal. Fair warning, though, I’m heavier than I look. Like a brick with webbed feet.”

“I’m stronger than I look.” My phone pinged in my pocket. “Hold that thought.” The text message was from an unknown number, but the content made it clear that the sender was none other than my new friend, Mathis, with an offer I couldn’t refuse.

I agreed to meet him at Five Beans in downtown Fairhaven in an hour. A public place teeming with humans seemed like a safe bet. I didn’t want him anywhere near the Castle and risk an encounter with Addison.

“Hot date?” Goran asked.

“I wish. Just trying to help someone without getting myself obliterated in the process.”

“Sounds complex. That’s the nice thing about living by myself in a backwater town. Stay alone. Stay alive. That’s my motto.”

“I hope you rethink that motto if you become a prince again.” I paused. “Or even if you don’t.” I held out my arms. “Ready for a ride?”

Goran hopped to the edge of the creek, splashing water across my boots. “You don’t need to carry me. I can make it on my own.”

I lowered my arms. “If I don’t carry you, how do I uphold my end of the bargain?”

“You were clearly committed. That was enough for me. Want to do the ritual now before I head to the lake? Plenty of water in the creek.”

“As much as I want to, I can’t right now.” I couldn’t risk missing my meetup with Mathis.

“Catch you later then.” He bounced awkwardly through the forest. For both our sakes, I hoped the Slavic Fates had mellowed in the years since their last meeting.

The walk to Five Beans took longer than expected given how deep in the forest I’d been. When I arrived, Mathis was waiting for me near the entrance with a coffee cup in each hand.

“I took the liberty of ordering for you.”

“How did you know what to order?”

He flashed a smile. “I charmed the barista into telling me.”

I glanced at the woman behind the counter. “She knows my order?”

“She knew your name, that you don’t have a regular drink, but you vacillate between the same few.” He held out a cup. “So I chose the cappuccino with almond milk and monkfruit sweetener.”

I accepted the cup with a mumble of appreciation. I’d always tried to blend in with the shadows. It felt strange to realize that someone had been paying attention to me, even when it was for my benefit.

Mathis motioned to a nearby table. “Here?”

I scanned the interior in search of a quieter table. Chief Garcia was a regular here. I didn’t need her overhearing words like ‘goddess’ or ‘obliteration.’

“If you’re concerned with eavesdroppers,” Mathis began, “I have preventative measures.” He jiggled his pocket.

“A charm?”
