Page 7 of Play Dead

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The creature must’ve come through the crossroads. The mystical White Stag was from another realm and endowed with special powers, although the legends didn’t specify what those powers were.

Addison slumped against her seat. “Wow. All my lives and I’ve never seen one of those up close. That’s a good omen.”

A white stag in Wild Acres didn’t seem like a good omen to me. If anything, its presence seemed like trouble of the supernatural variety. We needed more supernatural trouble like we needed more pizza options with pineapple.

“Should we chase it?”

I waited for my heartbeat to slow before I continued along the road. “No. If the legend is to be believed, the gods protect the white stag by giving him the ability to evade capture.”

“Huh,” Addison said. “Sure would be nice if the gods granted me that gift. Think I can grant it to myself?”

“Not how it works.”

At the Castle, we unloaded the sofa from the bed of the truck and carried it across the bridge. The front door opened as I climbed the porch steps.

“Need a hand?” Ray asked.

“We’ve got it, thanks.” I guided us to the parlor room where we positioned the new acquisition in front of the fireplace.

“Teamwork makes the dream work,” Addison sang. “Now your lonely chair has a friend.”

Kane Sullivan, demon prince of hell, had delivered the chair personally, for which I was grateful. It was nice to have another place to sit aside from my bed and the kitchen table.

“It’s very red,” Nana Pratt observed from the doorway.

“This room needed a pop of color,” I said.

“Maybe so, but red?”

Ray seemed to sense my rising frustration and cleared his throat. “Lorelei, have you decided what you’re cooking for dinner?”

“It’s a little early to think about dinner.”

He stared at me expectantly. “Is it?”

I sank onto the sofa as the realization settled. “Shit.”

“What now?” Addison shook her head. “It’s always something with you, isn’t it?”

If looks could eviscerate… “You do realize you’re part of that ‘something.’”

“Whatever. I earn my keep.” She skipped out of the room.

“There’s enough salmon for all four of you,” Nana Pratt said.

The four included Gunther Saxon and Camryn Sable. With Addison in the house, it wasn’t ideal timing, but Gun had finally agreed to hear me out after discovering my secret identity and I wasn’t willing to reschedule. Addison was welcome to eat the same meal as long as it was in her bedroom.

“Salmon’s a great idea. Thanks.”

I peeled myself off the sofa and entered the kitchen to explore the vegetable options. Addison sat on the counter, chowing down on a bag of pretzels.

“Dumpster diving is hungry work,” she declared.

I tossed a bag of potatoes on the counter. “When you’re finished your snack, you can peel these.”

She stared at the offending vegetables. “All of them?”

“I’m having friends over for dinner.”
