Page 51 of Play Dead

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“Congratulations, Ingrid,” he said. “Well deserved.”

“And you are the Castle’s head librarian,” I told him.

“You don’t have a library,” he pointed out.

I waved a dismissive hand. “Details.”

Nana Pratt looked down at her clothes. “I’d better change and get to work. This is going to be a lengthy project. I would’ve liked a bit more lead time. The frost will be gone in another couple weeks and you’ll need to order mulch.”

“Just tell me everything I need to do, and I’ll do it.”

She beamed with pride. “My husband only ever let me handle the flower selection. He thought they were a woman’s job because they were pretty, but that all the other property tasks were his domain.”

“Well, your husband isn’t the owner of the Castle.”

Nana Pratt surveyed the interior, as though viewing it with fresh eyes. “No. For starters, he wouldn’t have let that red sofa past the front door.”

Right. Opinions were split on the recent acquisition. Too bad for them mine was the only one that mattered.


Idrove my truck to Bridger Farm, slowing to a crawl when I reached the dirt road that cut through the forest. I hunched over the steering wheel, keeping my eyes peeled for any sign of animals. I didn’t want Gary and I to be responsible for turning the white hart into roadkill.

I parked the truck within sight of the farmhouse. The forest was relatively quiet in this section, but not unusually so. I heard the squawk of birds and the rustle of leaves. I passed a compact Honda out front. My guess was the unfamiliar car belonged to Ashley Pratt. Nana Pratt had asked me to help her wayward granddaughter find a job. I knew Phaedra needed an extra pair of hands at the farm, although I wasn’t sure Ashley would be willing, given the fact that Phaedra’s family had tried to sacrifice Ashley in the backyard. To her credit, Ashley said yes.

The interior door stood ajar. I knocked on the screen door and took a step backward as it swung open to admit me.

“Hi, Lorelei. I’m in the library,” Phaedra’s voice said. Her farmhouse ward was far more sophisticated than the one at the Castle. Then again, Phaedra didn’t have to pay for her own services.

I walked through multiple rooms of the old farmhouse until I reached the family library. There was no sign of Phaedra, only books. On the table, a tower of books slid aside to reveal the witch.

“Peekaboo,” she said.

“This looks like a project.”

“You’re not kidding. I’m reorganizing. My family wasn’t the best at keeping things in any kind of order.” She stood and swept a small pile of books off a chair. “Come in and sit. I wouldn’t mind the company. I’m tired of talking to myself. I can be so boring sometimes.”

“Isn’t Ashley here?”

“She’s working outside. She seems to prefer it, which is good because I’m sick of the cold. Spring can’t get here soon enough.”

“Amen to that. How’s she working out?”

“So far, so good. She told me she wanted to find her calling in life, and I think she might have now.”

“Farm work?”

Phaedra smiled. “And witchcraft.”

Ironic, considering witchcraft had nearly killed her. “She isn’t a witch, though.”

“No, but she can qualify as a Witch’s Assistant. A skilled Witch’s Assistants is invaluable. Our family never needed one because we had the coven, but they’re in demand among witches who live alone or in more isolated areas.”

“That’s great news.” I wasn’t sure how Nana Pratt would feel about her granddaughter devoting her life to the practice of magic, but if Ashley was happy, that was all that mattered.

Phaedra nodded. “With Ashley here, I’m finally able to tackle these other projects that have been lingering, like the library. You wouldn’t believe the amount of dust that can gather in one room.”

“Oh, I definitely would. You should’ve seen the Castle when I first moved in.”
