Page 5 of Play Dead

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“I’m not dumpster diving in my own town. I have standards.” The last thing I needed was to discover I’d foraged the castoffs of someone I knew. I’d never hear the end of it.

She fiddled with the seatbelt. “Thanks for letting me join you. I really meant it about needing to get out. I’m not used to being caged.”

“I have a huge yard and an entire cemetery to pace if you’re truly feeling stir crazy.”

“I don’t want to be out there on my own in case…” She stopped abruptly and pointed. “Cows! So many of them.”

“It’s a farm.”

“Why do I feel like I’m in Iowa?”

“Have you ever been to Iowa?”

She slumped against the seat. “No, but I imagine there are a lot of cows.”

“That land is part of Sylvan Farm. Same county, different town.” There were no working farms left in Fairhaven, with the exception of Phaedra Bridger’s. Most of the land had been sold off and developed by builders.

Addison turned on the radio and blasted a heavy metal song. I immediately switched it off.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Should I have put on classical music? That’s your jam, isn’t it?” She flashed a mischievous smile. “Which composer was it that got you to your feet in the fighting ring? Mozart?”


“And what’s so special about Debussy?”

“None of your business.” It still bothered me that Addison had watched a video of my performance in Magnarella’s fighting ring. It was impossible to know who else might’ve seen it and figured out that my powers had nothing to do with the god elixir I’d supposedly taken.

“Ooh, this road looks promising.” Addison pointed to the right where two large houses with impeccable lawns stood sentry at the start of an upscale development.

I swung the truck right and slowed to a crawl as I drove along the street. “You check out the right side of the street. I’ll watch the left.”

“Should I be scouting for anything in particular?” Addison asked.

“A sofa would be nice. Nothing upholstered, though. Too many risks.”

“Then I don’t suppose a mattress is on the list.”

I looked at her askance. “Problem with your sleeping bag, princess?”

“No, but there’s a perfectly good bed right next to me. It seems a shame not to sleep in it.” Her nose scrunched. “A used mattress just seems like asking for bedbugs though.”

“My friend Sian made the bed himself, but alas, he couldn’t provide the mattress.” Sian had been a recent visitor from Faerie whom I helped reconnect with his changeling sister. In exchange for food and lodging, he put his woodworking skills to use and built a bed for my guest bedroom. I had no idea I’d be entertaining another visitor so soon afterward.

Addison pointed ahead. “What about that chair?”

“The wood is rotting, but I like the sofa next to it.”

“You said no upholstery. That’s leather.”

I pulled over and parked along the curb. “Leather that appears to be in excellent condition.”

Her lip curled. “But it’s red. You claimed to have standards.”

I ignored her and exited the truck for a closer look. Sure enough, the sofa seemed to be in perfect condition. Not even a mark on it. My guess was it came from a lightly used basement where their kids once congregated until they grew too old to want to hang out at home.

I motioned for Addison to join me. “This one’s a keeper.”

She contemplated the sofa. “Are you sure? We only just started.”
