Page 45 of Play Dead

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Whatever happened next, we could handle it. Despite the guild’s decision to opt out, I wasn’t alone in my desire to protect Fairhaven.

I wasn’t alone.

It was a difficult sentence to accept. I’d been on my own for so long, the idea that I now had support and backup felt unnatural to me, like adjusting to a third arm.

The fact that Kane was committed to pursuing a relationship with me was equally unnerving. Granted, Addison’s arrival had thrown a spanner in the romantic works, but her stay was only temporary.

My time with Kane had the potential to be permanent.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I hooked the paddle under my arm so I could answer it. There were too many irons in the fire right now to justify silencing the phone.

Kane’s name stared back at me. Speak of the demon… “Hey, you.”

“Good afternoon. Where are you?”


“Ah, that explains the noises. How’s your houseguest?”

“Not with me.”

He chuckled. “Is that wise?”

“Ray and Nana Pratt are keeping an eye on her. I needed space.”

“From everyone or just her?”

“Definitely her.”

“In that case, are you interested in stopping by for a coffee when you’re finished?”

A warm sensation flooded my body at the thought of seeing Kane again, especially after my parade of pornographic dreams. “It would need to be quick. I’ve already been gone an hour.” I hesitated. “You really mean coffee, don’t you? It isn’t a euphemism?”

“We’re taking things slowly, remember?”

“I did say we could pick up the pace.”

“I know, but I have no interest in being quick in that arena. I’d rather take our time.”

“Good. Me, too.”

“How long until you’re here?”

I sighed. “As much as I want to say yes, I think I should go straight home.”

“I see. Addison is quite the speed bump, isn’t she?”

I wasn’t ready to tell him about Mathis. He’d only worry. “She gets bored easily. If I’m gone too long, she’s likely to stir up trouble in town. She can’t help herself.”

“I can send Josephine over to babysit. That should keep her in line.”

I pictured the two strong women snarling and glaring at each other in my house. No thanks. I couldn’t afford any breakages.

“I appreciate the offer, but Addison is my responsibility.”

“You do realize that isn’t true. Only Addison is responsible for Addison.”

I knew he was right, and yet I still felt a sense of obligation to help the wayward goddess. If I’d been left to my own devices, there was every chance I would’ve turned out far worse than the goddess of mischief and ruin. I’d been fortunate to have Pops—lies or no lies.
