Page 43 of Play Dead

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“He didn’t. I met him for the first time after I moved here.”

“What are the odds?”

“It’s the crossroads,” I said. “It acts as a powerful magnet for supernaturals.”

“Is that how you ended up here? You were attracted to the town because of the energy?”

I couldn’t answer that. I’d bought the Castle online without stepping foot in Fairhaven first. If I’d known about the crossroads, I wouldn’t have moved here. My goal had been to avoid supernaturals, not to live smack in their epicenter. On the other hand, it was possible I was drawn to the town on a subconscious level. Just because I’d found the listing online all the way from London didn’t mean there hadn’t been external forces at work. I wasn’t that naive.

“I wanted to move closer to where I grew up,” I said. I chose my words carefully, not wanting to reveal too much about my background. I still didn’t trust Addison. If she decided to return to The Corporation’s fold or they dragged her back kicking and screaming, I didn’t want to give her ammunition to use against me.

She snorted. “That’s one way we differ. The only thing I wanted was to move as far away as possible from the place I was raised. Becoming an avatar was the ultimate escape. Usually there’s a good reason we choose to abandon our human lives in the hope of something better.”

“My childhood was reasonably good, all things considered.”

Her eyes narrowed. “But there’s a story there.”

“Everybody has a story.”

“Fine, don’t share.”

“Why should I? You haven’t shared yours.”

She pursed her lips. “I’m not hiding it. I just don’t like to think about it. I merged with Aite for a reason.”

“Don’t you feel exploited knowing that The Corporation preys on the weak?”

“And the weak become strong.” She traced the rim of her plate with her index finger. “I have many complaints about them, but I don’t regret becoming a goddess.”

“Did Addison… or Melissa get to choose which deity inhabited her?”

“Of course not. The Corporation decides based on availability and current needs. Not all deities are ready or able to return. How did it work where you’re from?”

“Not like that.”

She groaned. “Come on, Lorelei. I’m basically committing corporate espionage by sharing all this with you. Throw me a bone.”

“You’d only be committing corporate espionage if you were gathering intel from The Corporation for the benefit of a rival company.”

She blew a raspberry. “Details.”

“The simple fact is that I don’t owe you information. I don’t owe you a place to shelter either. You should be thankful all I’ve requested is this conversation.”

“And help moving the red sofa,” she added. “Don’t forget that.”

“How can I when you won’t let me?”

“It was awkward,” she protested. “I think I tweaked a muscle in my back.”

“Speak to the Castle’s Human Resources department. Ray and Nana Pratt will be happy to assist you.”

“You’re the only one who can communicate with them,” she protested.

“No, they can hear you. You just can’t hear them.” I finished my cake and walked our plates to the sink to rinse them. “Do you think Mathis will try to come back when I’m not here?”


I turned to look at her. “Why not?”
