Page 20 of Play Dead

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Matilda’s gaze skated to the intruder. “This is the owner of the brown suede jacket, I take it.”


Her eyes narrowed. “I do not like her.”

“Join the club.”

Addison knocked on the doorjamb. “Hello. I’m standing right here.”

“Would you like tea?” I offered, ever the polite hostess.

“No, but I’ll have a cookie.” Addison swiped one from the plate and bit off a piece. “Who are you?”

“A friend of Lorelei’s.”

“Nice horse.”

“Thank you.”

“I learned to ride when I was in my twenties. It’s exhilarating.” Addison continued to stand between us, nibbling her cookie. “You can keep talking. Don’t let me interrupt.”

“This is a private conversation,” Matilda said.

Addison looked at me. “Should I just eavesdrop from upstairs then?”

I drummed my fingertips on the table, debating.

“What is it?” Matilda asked.

“I think she should stay.”

Addison gave the Celtic spirit a triumphant smile and swallowed the last of her cookie.

“Who is she?” Matilda asked.

“An escaped avatar from The Corporation.”

Matilda started to choke, prompting me to whack her between the shoulder blades.

“Why in the name of the gods is she in your house?” Matilda demanded.

“Lorelei is hiding me,” Addison answered, beaming with pride.

Matilda stared at me. “Why would you do such a thing?”

“Because they’ll kill her if they find her.”

“Not your problem,” Matilda said, giving Addison the stink eye.

“I kind of made it her problem.” Addison plopped down in the chair between us and seized a second cookie. “I named her as a person of interest to The Corporation, so we’re in this together now.” She looked at me. “Isn’t that right, snookums?”

Matilda snatched the cookie out of her hand. “I require more information before I decide whether you will choke to death on this.”

Addison shot me a pleading look.

“Give her the cookie, Matilda. Nicely.”

Matilda glared at me. “You can’t be serious, cariad. This child has endangered you, after all you’ve done to protect yourself.”
