Page 139 of Play Dead

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“I will always choose authenticity over a carefully constructed persona.”

The wall I’d built for protection. The knots I’d formed to secure my mask. They were all gone.

“But what if the persona has her shit together, whereas the authentic version busts into your house dripping wet, plays a Russian concerto, and leaves without saying a word?”

He laughed. “Lorelei, let’s be real. Even your persona never had her shit together.”

“Kick a girl when she’s down, why don’t you?”

“How are you down? From where I’m seated, you’re practically vibrating with positive energy.”

“I think those are nerves.” I swilled the wine for good measure. It tasted pretty good. I wondered how it compared with my bargain basement bottle.

“Poppycock,” Otto said. “Admit it. You’re overjoyed. I guess that means Kane took the news well.”

A smile played upon my lips as I recalled our recent encounter. “He took it like a champ.”

“I’m pleased for you. How do you feel?”

“That was going to be my next question.”

He recoiled slightly. “What does it matter how I feel about it?”

Down went more wine. “I lied to you. Aren’t you angry?”

“I made it clear that I knew you had a secret from the moment I met you. I simply bided my time until you were ready to share it with me, and now you have. Obstacle overcome.”

“For a crusty old vampire, you sure sound reasonable.”

“The truth is, I feel honored that you chose to share such an important part of yourself with me. Is this what you would call an open secret?”

“I guess that’s an accurate description.”

“And what of The Corporation?”

A bitter laugh tore from my throat. “Oh, I think they know.”

Otto’s face scrunched as he absorbed the news. “What does that mean for you?”

“It means I’d better watch my back, or I could end up meeting a worse fate than my parents.”

“What could be worse than dead?”

I looked at him. “I’m a goddess born from two of their avatars. They have departments devoted to scientific experiments. Let your imagination run wild.”

Otto winced. “I take your point. What can I do to help? As you’re well aware, I have many resources available to me.”

The Corporation was my problem to solve. I wouldn’t endanger the residents of Fairhaven any more than I already had. “Just be my friend, Otto. That’s all I ask.”

He reached for my hand and squeezed. “Always.”

The Castle felt emptier than usual. I’d grown more accustomed to a house full of visitors than I realized.

I stood in the doorway of the guest bedroom. Addison’s belongings were strewn across the floor and the bed. I hadn’t realized she’d brought so many personal possessions. Knowing Addison, she’d stolen a magical bottomless sack from The Corporation and filled it with her stuff, and most likely a few items that belonged to others.

I sat on the edge of the bed and picked up a stuffed unicorn from the pillow. The colors of its rainbow horn had faded and some of the white fur on the body had worn thin. The unicorn had belonged to Addison for a long time. The toy had probably comforted young Tessa in times of turbulence and strife.

And Aite had opted to keep it as a personal treasure.
