Page 114 of Play Dead

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“Oh, there are some,” Nemain replied. “Mostly they slumber or have grown too weak to function in this realm.”

“Which is why so many choose to return as avatars,” Badb added. “They retain a certain amount of power, although their human vessels restrict their full strength.”

A thought bloomed. “Matilda, the Night Mallt. Did you send her to look after me?” I hadn’t questioned her friendship or her protective nature, although it should’ve been obvious that a Celtic spirit had no reason to protect a Greek goddess.

“We entrusted her to guide you away from danger,” Macha said. “Given the Wild Hunt and your presence here now, it seems she has failed in that regard. How very disappointing.”

“Vortigern is one of yours, too. Isn’t there something you can do about that prick?”

“We are aware of his fate,” Macha said, “but we will say no more than that.”

“Are you aware of my fate? The Moirai didn’t have any control over mine, which I could tell bothered them. Which one of you lucky girls gets to snip the thread?” I made a cutting motion with my fingers.

“We did not engage with you to discuss your end of days,” Badb said. “Only your current ones.”

I felt like a topnotch moron. All these years I’d spent hiding my powers, learning to defend myself, keeping others at arm’s length, and it was all for nothing. The Corporation would’ve been able to identify my parents during the reunion as the avatars they’d murdered. Now they had enough information to figure out my identity. I’d grown too comfortable, too complacent, and now I’d pay the price. Everything my parents and grandparents had done to keep me safe had been in vain.

And it was all my fault.

“Why are you revealing all this to me now?” I asked.

“Because the tide has turned,” Macha said, “and our arrangement has reached its natural conclusion.”

The tide had turned because The Corporation knew I wasn’t an avatar … because I accepted a deal I shouldn’t have. I’d been so desperate for a moment with my parents that I’d managed to undo all their hard work to keep me safe. The cruel irony.

The three sisters merged to become one again. Only the Morrigan stood before me now.

“Does this mean I’m no longer under your protection?”

“The mark has been removed as it is no longer necessary,” she replied. “We would not deliberately place you in harm’s way, but this is as far as we agreed to take you. You have the information and power you need. The only question that remains is—do you have the will to survive what comes next?”

Gee, that didn’t sound the least bit ominous, especially coming from the mouth of the Morrigan.

The image faded to black, the waters receded, and I found myself atop a slick boulder beside the river, far enough downstream that I no longer heard the pounding of the Falls.

Unsteady, I climbed to my feet and walked carefully to solid ground. I didn’t fancy a repeat dip in the water. There was no sign of the druid or anyone else.

Despite the ground beneath my feet, I still felt like I was drowning. I staggered under the weight of my newfound knowledge, desperate to fill my lungs with the air around me. To call it information overload was an understatement.

I surveyed the forest, feeling confused and disoriented. My instincts told me to run to Kane, but between the scouts and the druid, it seemed unwise to head toward the Devil’s Playground.

I got my bearings and started toward town. I needed to feel safe. To see people going about their day as usual. To witness the normalcy of Fairhaven after what I’d just learned.

I wobbled on my legs like they were stilts until I regained my composure—and then I ran like hell.


Idragged myself to the front door of Otto Visconti’s mini-mansion and rang the bell. I sagged against the doorframe, on the cusp of losing the battle with my unshed tears.

Heidi gasped at the sight of me. “Are you hurt, Miss Clay?”

Not physically, I wanted to reply, but the words refused to come. I shook my head.

Her concern only deepened. “Can I get you anything? Maybe a blanket or warm clothes?”

I waved her off as I entered the house.

“Mr. Visconti is in the study.”
