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Time passed so slowly that Barrett wondered if he hadn't angered a time wizard somewhere. But finally, after another hour, Jackson jumped the final three or four feet off the stalk.

Barrett rushed forward, wrapping an arm around Jackson's shoulders and pulling him close in a tight embrace. Relief coursed through him like electricity as he felt his friend's heart pounding against his chest. They held each other for several moments before parting slightly to share a warm smile—a bond forged by their shared experiences that transcended worlds or class differences.

"You're okay," he whispered, pressing his lips to Jackson's as his hands tangled in the man's hair.

"I am."

He knew his father stepped up behind when the king gently cleared his throat, causing Barrett to release Jackson and they both took a step back.

"Tell us what you saw." The king demanded, something akin to wonder glistening in his eyes.

"The land is as we left it—a desolate and destroyed landscape. But it is untouched and there was no sign of any—be them or size or giant."

Barrett's sigh of relief was a surprise to him. He'd come to enjoy the Realm Below and hadn't realized what going home would mean.

Leaving Jackson.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to hold on to this moment as long as possible before their return journey began.

A moment they only had because Jackson climbed up a beanstalk almost a year ago.

"Jackson here risked everything to save our realm. He even faced the giant itself."

Barrett knew Jackson didn't need a title for Barrett to marry him, but it was the least they could do. And no one has proposed anything. You're getting ahead of yourself.

"I believe it is only fair that Jackson be recognized for his bravery as well. He shouldn't return to his home unrewarded or without honor." Barrett fixed his gaze on Jackson's face, seeing the stubborn set of his jaw and knew this wasn't just about returning home but something deeper - a desire for recognition from those who mattered most to him.

Thankfully, his father did not hesitate to agree.

"For your courage and valor, Jackson Walker," the king began, "Your deeds will be remembered for generations to come. You have proven yourself a worthy ally to our kingdom. Therefore," he said, extending a gilded arm, "I bestow upon you the title of Sir Jackson Walker, Defender of the Realm."

"And your approval to wed," Barrett spoke, turning to Jackson when he realized what he'd done. "If he'll have me, that is."

"Oh, he'll have you." Jackson's hand snaked around Barrett's waist and pulled him close.

"I believe we've passed the need for that," his father said with a grin.

"You must be tired," Barrett ran a hand down Jackson's cheek. "You need to go in and rest."

"Yes, rest," Marie chided. "I have replaced you on the farm, there will be no objections. Next time they leave, you go with them—but I want the wedding down here!"

Laughing, Jackson offered Barrett his hand. “I’m not certain what my life would be without my farm, its all I’ve ever known.”

Barrett spoke before he even realized it. “Then we will stay down here. The stalk can remain cloaked at this motel and we can come and go as needed when time allows.”

“You’ve only just found your father.”

Barrett looked to the king, knowing it was bittersweet. “But I’ve found you first.”

“Are you certain?” Jackson looked into his eyes.

“I’m certain.”

Jackson took his hand and they walked quickly toward the motel lobby they knew far too well. They moved in silence, going back to the same room they'd shared the night they made love.

"Jackson. . ." he started to say, but Jackson cut him off with a kiss.

Their lips met tentatively at first, but soon the passion between them ignited, their bodies pressing together as if they had been made to fit this way. All the tension, all the fear and yearning, poured into that single, life-affirming moment.
