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"Barrett!" King James’ voice cut through his determination to get Jackson inside.

Barrett had forgotten those who would one day be his people. He'd let them all down to focus on Jackson.

And Barrett didn't care.

King James's eyes were a mix of fear and confusion as he approached the two men, his armor clinking with each step he took.

"We need to ensure there are no more magic beans," he said firmly, his deep voice echoing in the expanse of mountains. "I know you mentioned we could stay here for a day or so, but we mustn't rest. We must make certain no one else can ever go up there."

"We need to rest. Jackson damn near fell to his death."

"Tomorrow then. As soon as possible."

"And the giant's body?" Jackson asked.

"My men will do what is needed. My sorcerers could never kill because their magic cannot harm, but they can shrink him, so he is nothing more than a poor soul who fell in these mountains."

Barrett felt Jackson's head nod.

"Tomorrow then. My head is ringing and I think I'm going to pass out now that all my adrenaline is gone."

"Go," Barrett's father smiled. "You've done more than any could have ever expected.

"We'll make certain we're safe down here. Consider it my first job as a ruling prince."

His father chuckled but didn't say anything in response.



Jackson nudged Barrett not surprised to see he’d fallen asleep during the near eight-hour drive. Though he enjoyed the serenity Barrett seemed to experience during sleep, two pairs of eyes were better than one if they were going to find the strange man.

If he even comes anymore.

"Hey there, we're here."

Barrett made a sound similar to a growl but opened his eyes. Within seconds he went ramrod straight.

"My goodness. The cars are everywhere. There's … thousands of people!"

Chuckling, Jackson undid his seatbelt. "As we've discussed, cars are normal, and there are probably not that many people."

"There's more than survived in my kingdom."

A solemness settled over them as Jackson got out of the car and shut the door.

Barrett followed suit, and when Jackson offered Barrett his hand, the prince took it with a smile.

"Remind me what this man looks like," Barrett said, though it was obvious he was distracted.

"Tall and thin. Wire-rimmed glasses and a black cloak. An oddly luxurious black coat."

"Okay then." Barrett nodded. "Where do we start?"

The farmer's market was alive with activity, the bustle of people and animals creating a symphony of sounds. Aromas filled the air—fresh produce and baked goods, spices and exotic herbs. Music drifted through the crowds, carried by gentle breezes that rustled colorful stalls and flags. Jackson led the way, navigating the sea of bodies with ease while Barrett followed close behind him.

The day was cold, but not unbearable as the snow seemed to have only fallen yesterday leading to a sunny winter day today. A slight chilly breeze carried the scent of sweet meats grilling nearby. Vibrant colors painted every inch of the market as vendors called out their wares to passersby.
