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Reaching out with one massive hand adorned by intricate runic tattoos on its back—a mark of his royal lineage—he placed it on top of Barrett's head affectionately as if blessing him before turning towards Jackson once more with open arms stretched wide open towards him invitingly like an offering of trust eagerly awaiting acceptance. An invitation few others could ever hope for let alone receive from such a king Jackson knew.

"You are truly brave," King James continued, studying Jackson's face intently with those sharp eyes that held centuries of wisdom within them. "Not many would have dared what you did to reach our kingdom." His voice rumbled like thunder across the clouds above them. They were standing on one such sky-island now—bigger than any castle or village below could ever hope to be - where magical creatures roamed freely and mythical tales came true.

Jackson found himself speechless at first. This was so unlike anything he'd ever known or imagined possible. But then courage found its way back into his words as he cleared his throat and responded carefully.

"Your Majesty, I have had time to think while Barrett healed. I know how we can save everyone without any more loss."

"I told you I had a plan," Barrett whispered into his ear.

Jackson took his attention from the king and looked at Barrett.

"Which is how I came up with mine. I don't know yours, but I worried it would involve you sacrificing yourself to save others."

A flush crept up Barrett's cheeks. "I see you know me well."

Jackson only nodded before turning back to King James. "My plan will ensure Barrett stays as safe as possible. That your entire kingdom does."

"Continue," King James urged.

Jackson took a deep breath, trying to remember every detail of his journey from the moment he'd discovered the magical beans until now. "Your Majesty, about how I came here myself. I traded some of our family's last food for these 'magic beans', thinking they were a scam, but desperate to save my land. Well, when night fell, and darkness shrouded the skies, a storm knocked on our farmhouse door like never before. In the morning there was nothing. Furious, I took it out on the land, and the beanstalk grew."

Jackson paused to see if the king doubted anything, but his gaze remained calm.

"This beanstalk shot up higher than any tree or tower could ever reach—right into these clouds! I climbed up and found salvation in the large food in the giant's garden. I also found your son."

"I'm not following the importance." Now, the king's eyes narrowed.

"When we tricked the giant, we went down the beanstalk, and we cut it down. We trapped the giant up here. We can do the same thing with your kingdom because I had to use the final bean to grow the stalk to come just now. We get your people down the beanstalk and cut it down."

Dead silence met him, so Jackson continued.

"It may take some time to find homes and jobs for everyone, but my property can host many. There can be a new life for you all."

"You speak of salvation and new beginnings, human," King James rumbled, his voice deep and resonant like thunder in the distance. "But what you fail to understand is that my people are not animals to be caged and moved about like pawns on a chessboard."

Lark stepped forward, clutching her bow tightly. "But sire - we've seen it!"

"I do not understand how you fit into this, but I urge you to remember you are not part of my council." He paused and closed his eyes for a moment as if trying to calm himself. We are a proud kingdom, one that has stood tall for centuries against the harshness of this world. And now you come before me with some magical vegetable that promises an escape? No, I refuse to abandon all we have built simply because of a few. . . giants."

Jackson understood where the king's thoughts came from, but if he would listen, Jackson could save them all.

"I have seen too much bloodshed already—my son's abduction being just one example," King James continued amidst the commotion behind him. "But we cannot allow these monsters to dictate our future! We will march against them with all our might! With all our magic!"

Jackson winced with fear the king might strike him down.

"Your proposal is denied," he finally said coldly before dismissing them from his presence entirely by raising a hand high into view. "And what of this bond between you and my son?" His voice was like thunder rolling across a battlefield; it seemed to command respect and fear all at once. "Are you prepared for the consequences?"

Jackson swallowed hard. He knew what that meant. He couldn't let Barrett return to him unless he was willing to accept this newfound relationship. It wasn't love, not yet, but there was definitely something more than friendship between them now. And yet. . .

"I am willing to accept whatever comes with it," Jackson said with determination etched on his face. He'd not told Barrett how much he meant to him, but if he had to declare it to the king first, he would.

"Very well. Then a mage will allow your blood to pass through this barrier. Wait here. You will come in and we will continue to plan my plan. My plan is to save my son and my people without running."

Jackson held back a sigh. If he could spend time here, he could perhaps change the king's mind.

"It would be my honor," he bowed, playing the part he needed to play.

Days passed slowly for Jackson, yet they were filled with non-stop activity. The kingdom continued to buzz with preparations for the threatened attack, but now, with the added task of finding more magic to help them shrink the giants down to their size to fight as fairly as they could.
