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Barrett's mind wandered as the pain slowly grabbed hold more. Jackson and Thorne discussed something to do with lifting him. Another voice - a male - also spoke, but he clearly wasn't a healer.

"Don't let him fall," Jackson's voice was stern.

"Jackson, how did you get up here?"

"You're asking me that right now?"

"Yes, because I have an idea, but it does require a beanstalk."

"Then it's a good thing I used one to get up here—the whole no magic thing myself."

Barrett smiled. "Good. Good. We're going to need it."

"Okay, your Majesty, stay as still as you can," Thorne's voice was in his ear. "We're going to lift you onto this stretcher now and get you back inside to a healer before another attack."

“Thorne, when we get inside, send a wizard to shield the beanstalk from view. We need to make certain the humans below don’t climb up it’s length or chop it down.”

Barrett winced as Thorne and Jackson carefully lifted him onto the stretcher, his injured leg and side making it difficult to move without pain. Closing his eyes, Barrett focused on controlling his breathing, trying to push through the agony that shot through his body with every movement.

Once he was settled on the stretcher, the two men began their descent back towards the castle. A third set of footsteps finally drew his gaze around Jackson.

"Lark, you're here, too?"

She nodded, and a cry from above could only be her falcon.

"That's good."

Barrett tried to focus on not wincing every time Jackson or Thorne tripped. The sky changed colors as the castle loomed overhead.

"Jackson, I promise we'll come get you."

"I don't care. You go and get healed. I'll be safe outside."

"You can't know that." Barrett countered.

"No, but you're going to believe it so that a healer can help you. I'll be waiting."

There was a change as Jackson shifted the stretcher to someone else.

"Lark, stay with him."

"Of course."

He let his eyes close, knowing that if he watched himself be carried away from Jackson after seeing him again, he might try something stupid like jumping off the stretcher.

When Barrett finally came to, he was met with a blur of faces hovering over him. He groaned as he tried to sit up, but strong hands gently pushed him back down onto the bed.

"Easy there," a familiar voice said. It was Thorne. "You took quite a hit out there."

Barrett looked around and saw that he was in one of the castle's infirmaries. The room was bright and clean, with rows of beds lining its walls. He noticed other injured soldiers scattered throughout the room, some groaning in pain while others slept soundly.

"How long have I been out?" Barrett asked hoarsely.

"Not long," Thorne replied, pouring a glass of water for him. "Just a few hours. You're fully healed"

Barrett sat up slowly and sipped at the water gratefully. It soothed his parched throat and washed away the taste of blood that lingered in his mouth.

"Good, then we need to get my father and go to where Jackson and Lark are." he took another sip.
