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“So,” Glavior’s deep rolling voice cut through my thoughts, bringing me back to the question at hand … who are these guys I’ve aligned myself with.

“The twins are Cerise and Onyx, named for the color of their eyes and magic.” The twins smile at me, looking eerily alike, yet somehow fucking adorable. Glavior waves a hand towards the other side of the table, introducing the last two. “The tree is Draoithe, or Dree, and the ocean shifter, as you called him, is Syrinox. He’s mute and communicates in a human form of sign-language, or talking with his hands.”

Syrinox moves his hands, smirking and winking at me like I should understand what he’s saying. I shake my hand, fighting the smile trying to work its way across my lips as I watch him move his arms and fingers, creating words and thoughts. It’s actually sort of beautiful, the way he throws his entire body into his words. His fingers move like liquid. His face twitching and changing so minutely I’m not sure he even realizes it happens. Even his breathing changes and his lips move like a shadow of what the words are supposed to look like coming out of his mouth.

Glavior shifts in his seat, drawing my gaze back to the big man, breaking the trance Syrinox had me in with his movements. The orc- genie hybrid looks uncomfortable sitting in the chair that barely holds his frame. He’s scowling again as he watches Syrinox sign. His gaze flickers back towards me ever so often and I can’t fight the smile anymore. These men clearly enjoy my presence, and I can’t lie to myself and try to pretend I’m not having a nice night with them. I know I’m supposed to be working, that Ahazu is waiting for me back at the manor, and that I need that information on the Dragon sooner rather than later, but still. I can’t seem to tug myself away from these five men.

Eventually, the pub starts to clear out. I’ve sat in mostly silence as the men chat around me. I’ve picked up some of Syrinox’s words, just watching him sign and judging the reactions of the other men. I’ve also noticed that Dree tends to sign when he talks, but only things directed towards Syrinox. The two men seem close, almost as close as the twins. My phone has been dinging like crazy, but I’ve been ignoring it, hoping to spend some more time getting to know the men I’m so drawn to.

Fowlynn soars in through the front door as more patrons of the bar leave, resting on my shoulder and pushing his head against my cheek.

Ahazu is home and asking for you. He needs to speak with you. Ask your men to come back to the manor, Ahazu has fixed them some rooms and had their things moved from the Inn.

I pull away from my feathered friend, narrowing my eyes at him. Of course my meddling familiar would get my equally meddlesome brother involved in his scheme to push me closer. Though, I can’t seem to find any reason to not do as he suggested. Glancing up at the men, I see them all staring at me and Fowlynn.

“It seems you all are going to be staying with me until we get this quest finished. Your things have been relocated, and it is getting late. Come.”

I don’t give them a chance to object or comment, I stand, waving a hand at Kelsy and tossing the hood of my cloak over my head, concealing the bright shine of my white locks. I hear the men walking behind me, none of them speaking. My mind wonders, questioning what they are thinking, trying to guess what their reaction will be to the manor, and how my brother will react to the band of men I’m bringing home. The conclusion my thoughts finally come to, is that this is going to be a very long fucking night.

Chapter 7


I’m one hundred percent sure that the little minx in front of us has no idea that I’ve been talking to my brothers about all the dirty fucking things I want to do do to her. All night long, I’ve been torturing them with detailed accounts of how I imagine we can fuck her, and let her fuck us. Glav looks like he is about to bust a nut in his pants just from the way she told us to ‘come’ when leaving the bar.

I’ve always thought it was fascinating that the biggest, most powerful of us all, is a damn sub. Even more hilarious is that service and degradation are his kinks. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there's a damn thing wrong with it. He is an amazing friend and a decent leader, but his tastes in the bedroom are acquired, and I’m not sure the little pixie has it in her.

Then again, I could be wrong. She seems to be perfectly capable of giving orders and being in charge. In fact, the twins did say the only way she agreed to help us was if she was leading the quest. Glavior had already made it clear that she was the missing link to our band, that we would need her, specifically, if we wanted to beat the quest. She is the reason that we came to this tiny little village to begin with. Though, now that I’ve met her, and can feel that pull on my magic and my dick, I think the reason we came for her had less to do with the Dragon, and more to do with Glavior being tired of missing his mate.

“So, is there a reason we’re following the sexy Elf back to her house?” Cerise asks, his voice pitched low, keeping the tri layered tone too low for the pixie to hear. He doesn’t seem upset about the predicament, just curious.

True to his HellHound nature, he has no problems following a pretty girl home, guarding her. But he does like to know the ‘why’ of everything. He was the most resistant to the detour of the quest to get Astrate. He thought we should complete the task, collect the astronomical fee, then come find Glavior’s friend. It wasn’t until Glav explained how he knew Astra and how she is vital to our plan that he agreed to come with no more complaints. Onyx is the opposite of his brother in that regard. He throws himself head first into every situation without thinking of the consequences. There have been many times we’ve had to save his ass from Mimics and traps because he didn’t take the time to assess the situation first.

“Because her ass looks amazing and Glavior’s dick can’t handle not following a clear command like come.” I sign to the pup. Smiling widely as I duck down to avoid the giant palm lumbering towards my head.

Glavior loves to pretend he doesn’t like when we give him shit, but we all know he does. His family, well all of our families if we’re being honest, is shit and barely speak to him, much less rough house and tease him like they do with each other. He grew up the runt of his house, four brothers all bigger than he is, and happily mated to orc ladies that run their household with an iron fist. His Mom is a genie, but he barely sees her. She was just a fling his dad had when his mate died. She didn’t want anything to do with children, so she left him with his father and never looked back. Growing up in the Orc community, he learned that size really does matter, not magic. So even though he is the most powerful being in the community, he still feels like he has to prove his strength to his family.

We give him shit because we all know the Orc show their love by teasing. The meaner an Orc is, the more they like you. I heard that mates actually fight and a male will only find a female desirable if she beats him. Apparently, the little pixie has beaten Glav many times and he is full on in love with the woman and she doesn’t even know it.

“Shut it! You nitwits put her in charge, now we are following her orders like we should.”

Glavior growls out, his eyes staying glued on the tiny woman who moved through the crowd like a fish through water. Her dark clothes blend into the night, and with her snow white hair covered, she almost disappears. The only reason we can follow her is because we followed her from the pub. I can imagine that she is a pro at disappearing in plain sight. I tilt my head, studying the way she moves, the subtle correction that most people would never see. There is something about her, the way she moves, that has warning blaring in my mind, but I can’t put my finger on it. I thought it was the fact that I knew she trained in the academy with Glavior, but now that I’m looking closer, I know it is something else.

Dree nudges me with his elbow, pulling my attention away from the woman that makes my heart beat harder. His green eyes burn into mine, his familiar heat soaking into my skin where we walk so close together. I can smell his earthy scent and it drives me wild. His eyes say more than his words ever could.

Dree and I have a … unique relationship. We’re as close as twins, and we feel an attraction, but it's not exactly sexual in nature. He is the only person who knows what my voice sounds like, having been my friend from birth, but he also knows all the dirty secrets I keep about my family and my fate. The one reason I’ve refused to actively seek a mate. The same reason I will reject the mate bond I feel growing with the pixie. I can’t guarantee her safety, and I’d never willingly put her or anyone else in that kind of danger.

Dree’s hand starts moving, quick motions that aren’t quite sign, but still easy to understand.

“Why are you staring at her like that?”

“I’m not sure. There's just something about her.” I sign back, keeping my movements just as stilted as his were. It's our way of keeping a conversation between just the two of us. “It’s more than the bond. It’s almost a warning, something dangerous in the way that she moves that has me weary.”

“Glav told us she’s trained to kill, to be brutal like he is.” Dree says back, scrunching his brows together. He is clearly confused and I don’t have the words to explain the feeling.

“Being trained to kill is not the same thing as actively doing it. And I have a feeling that we don’t quite know what we’re getting into with this little pixie.”

