Page 63 of Fate and Redemption

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“And he won’t,” said Missolis. “My demons have placed a glamor around this bastion that even Lucifer shouldn’t be able to break very easily.”

“Demonic magic?” I asked.

“The only kind of power angels have no authority over.”

“He may not have authority over your power,” Micah said, “but he is the first angel. It won’t take him long to see through whatever your demons have done.”

“Draw quickly, then.”

“Does it look like I’m doodling?” he asked, frustration mounting.

“I’ll handle Lucifer,” I said. “I’ll give you as much time as I can.”

Micah paused and looked up at me, his eyes wide. “You’ll handle him?” he asked. “What’s that supposed to mean.”

“It means, I’ll talk to him. Distract him. He likes to flap his mouth.”

“He’s going to obliterate you and everyone else who stands in his way; do you really want to piss him off by delaying him? And don’t forget, he’ll destroy you if you try to change his mind. Lucifer is nothing if he’s not vindictive.”

“Micah, he’s coming here to kill us all. I won’t be able to change his mind. At the very least, I can keep him occupied until you can spring the trap.”

“Actually, about that—” Micah stood, then examined the circle he had drawn into the ground. It was just about large enough for a single person to fit. About five feet by five feet. Considering the walls encircling the courtyard were all covered in runes, this series of glyphs looked a little… small.

“Is this…” I ventured. “I mean, is this…”

“Where we have to get Lucifer to stand?” asked Micah. “Yes.”

“How are we supposed to do that?” asked Missolis. “Lucifer doesn’t have to land to turn this bastion to rubble.”

Azrael, who had gone off to issue orders to some of her angels, joined us now. Abaddon wasn’t far behind her.

“Is this it?” asked Azrael. “This is the trap?”

“It’s not finished,” said Micah. “But yes. And we need to get Lucifer to stand right here, otherwise I can’t get him to the mouth of the Pit.”

“My angels have drawn your symbols all over this courtyard,” she said. “What was all that for?”

“Those symbols will send us to Heaven. These symbols will weaken Lucifer. He needs to be standing here for these to work.”

“I will wrestle him to the ground, then,” said Abaddon, puffing his chest. “I have battled him before.”

“And I saw what he did to you,” said Azrael. “If you try to bring him down here by force, you’ll lose.”

“You don’t know that,” growled Abaddon.

“Easy,” I said, “no one’s fighting Lucifer today. We won’t win that way.”

“What do you suggest, then?” asked Azrael.

I took a deep breath, then exhaled. “Tell your angels to stand down,” I said.

“Stand down? Are you insane?”

“Everyone. Angels, demons—tell them to stand down. We’ve lost this fight.”

“Sarakiel, what are you saying?” asked Abaddon. “This is not?—”

“—weapons won’t help us here, Abaddon. I’m going to go and talk to him. The rest of you are going to gather here, and you’re going to follow my lead.”
