Page 44 of Fate and Redemption

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Azrael had done it anyway, and now Missolis’ rebels didn’t seem exactly keen to go through the portal to safety.

This problem was only made worse when a bright flare of Light erupted in the sky. It was as if the sun itself had ignited spontaneously and was looming high above us, blazing with the fire of creation itself.

My stomach sank, and all the blood drained from my face. All around me, demons hissed and snarled and tried to scurry away from the Light. Azrael and her angels raised their gauntleted hands to shield their eyes, but—unlike Micah’s earlier appearance—no-one wept at the majesty of the creature slowly descending from the heavens.


Lucifer was here. His arrival didn’t inspire awe or tears of joy. The demons panicked, now stuck deciding between Lucifer and Azrael—and which was less likely to kill them. Helena’s angels made the situation worse by raising their weapons once more.

“We need to go,” said Azrael, grabbing me by the shoulder. “Right now.”

“Missolis!” I screamed, “Get your rebels out of here!”

I could hear Missolis trying to get control of her force, and some of them were listening and rushing for the portal. Others, though, were too scared of Lucifer’s Light and too distrustful of Azrael’s to know where to go.

I turned to Azrael. “Make sure these demons get through,” I said.

“What are you doing?!”

“I’m going to hold him off to buy you time.”

“Sarakiel, that’s insanity!”

“I know, but I made a promise, and I’m not going to break it. Now, round them up—go!”

Lucifer was descending on our position, and his demons were seconds behind him—just far enough away from his Light that they weren’t affected by its potency. Instead of heading for the portal, and towards safety, I took to the air to join Hekata, who didn’t seem to be trying to flee either.

“This is your chance to get somewhere safe,” I said.

She shook her head. “We aren’t safe as long as he still breathes.”

“We can’t kill him. You know that.”

Hekata gave me her eyes. “We are both mortals now.Maybe he is as well.”

“And if he isn’t?”

“It will be more fun dying to find out than hiding under someone else’s skirt.”


Lucifer descended like a meteorite, using his wings to slow himself until he came to a hover directly across from me and Hekata. He was radiant. Though anyone who looked at him would consider him to be of unremarkable appearance, none of that mattered in the face of the sheer force of Light that shone through him.

It elevated him, made him look every bit like the quasi-deity that he was. It was the kind of force that should make angels and mortals alike kneel and weep, bow to his every whim, and tell him that the sun shines out of his assh— “Sarakiel,” he said, clasping his hands and putting on a mocking, concerned face. “There you are. I have just been looking all over for you.”

“Here I am,” I said to him, resisting the urge to say anything more inflammatory. “You found me. Now, what do you want?”

“What do I ever want? To talk.”


“No, I mean it.”

“Is that why you brought your friends?”

Lucifer glanced across his shoulder at the demons that were about to reach us. He waved his hand, dismissively. “Don’t worry about them. They’re harmless, honestly.”

Hekata glanced at me. “Is he being serious?”
