Page 39 of Fate and Redemption

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“There are clearly a lot of things that we both need to catch each other up on. For example…” Micah paused. “Can I ask how there are so many demons here? I wasn’t expecting this.”

“Rebels against Lucifer,” interjected Missolis. “We have pledged ourselves to the path of redemption, forsaking Hell and all of its corruption. As much as we can, at any rate.”

“They helped me get out of Hell,” I said. “If it wasn’t for them, I don’t think I would’ve made it this far.”

“Hell? How did you all escape?” Micah asked.

“Lucifer opened a gate; he let all of the demons out. We were just lucky to be in the wrong place at the right time.”

“This isn’t welcome news at all. We must get you out of there as soon as possible.”

“Right,” I nodded. “Just tell us how to get to you.”

Micah shook his head. “It’s not that simple, Sarakiel. I know that you are on Earth, but I don’t know exactly where. Without that information, I’m not able to open the way to Helena.”

“But, you’re here, you must know where we are?”

“It looks that way, but I’m not really there. This is a semi-solid projection—a trick of the Light.”

Micah looked solid enough to me, but looking again, the way the Light behind him bounced off his skin and his hair… “Okay, what do you need?”

“I need you to tell me exactly where you are.”

“Where I… I don’t know where I am.” I scanned the darkness around the building we were on. “I’m in the desert, somewhere. I couldn’t even tell you what desert I’m in. Maybe the Sahara?”

Micah’s face darkened. “If I don’t know where you are, I can’t get to you. I’m only able to project myself near your location because your resonance has drawn me to you. But I need to know where you are so that I can focus the portal on a landmark, and you can come through it.”

“Micah…” I took three hurried steps toward him. “I don’t know… I have no idea.”

“Think I may be able to help you with that,” came a voice from above.

Like a dart, a silent shadow landed on the rooftop just off to the side of where Micah was standing. My chest lightened, and a warm rush of relief surged through me as the shadow coalesced to become Hekata. Gadriel. She was bathed in Micah’s Light, but she wasn’t afraid of it either.

Micah turned to look at her, his cherub eyes widening. “Gadriel…” he gasped.

“In the flesh,” she said, “finally.”

“It is… so good to see you. I can’t even begin to tell you?—”

“Save it,” she snapped. “I’m not here to have a heart-to-heart with a cherub.” She turned her dark eyes on me. “You wanted my help, I’m here to give it.”

“You know where we are?”

“I do. We are an hour in flight from the base of three pyramids.”

“Egypt…” said Micah. “I will meet you at the pyramids, Sarakiel. If you leave now, I will be ready for you by the time you arrive.”

Micah turned around and looked like he was about to walk back into the Light.

“Wait…” I gasped.

“Wait? For what?”

I looked around me at the surrounding demons.

“How big is that portal going to be?” I asked.

The cherub frowned, as if confused by my question. “Big enough for you to get back.”
