Page 92 of Undeniably His

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“It’s Janie,” she said. “I’m your daughter.”

“I don’t have a daughter.”

“I’m your foster daughter.”

“I wouldn’t foster kids. I hate kids. I hate you. You’re ugly!”

“Jane, maybe we should go,” Luke said.

Jane rubbed Josephine’s knee. “You don’t mean that, Mama J. You love kids. You fostered a lot of them, and everyone loved you. In fact -”

Quick as a snake, Josephine slapped Jane viciously across the face. “My name is Josephine! Not Mama J!”

“Jane!” Luke rushed over and placed his hand protectively on her shoulder.

Jane shook her head at him before smiling at Mama J. “I’m sorry, Josephine. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Who is that?” Josephine glared at Luke. “Is he here to steal my jewelry? Where’s Walter? Walter knows what to do with fucking no-good jewelry thieves!”

“He’s not a thief, Ma – Josephine,” Jane said. “His name is Luke and -”

“Are you his whore? Is that it? You’re his ugly little whore?” Josephine spat at her.

“No. Luke is my friend. He’s not -”

Josephine tried to slap her again, but Jane caught her hand.

“Don’t do that, my love,” Jane said in a low, grief-filled voice. She kissed Mama J’s knuckles as Josephine’s face crumpled and tears flowed down her wrinkled cheeks.

“What’s wrong with me?” she moaned as she slumped in her chair again. “What’s wrong with me? I’m so tired.”

“I know,” Jane said soothingly. “Why don’t you lie down, Josephine? I’ll help you into bed.”

Josephine stared blankly at her. “I’d like that. I’m exhausted. What did you say your name was?”


“You’re a good girl then, aren’t you, Jane?”

Jane helped her stand. “Let’s get you into bed, my love.”

Mama J shuffled to the bed, and Jane helped her lie down before tucking the covers around her. Luke stood at the end of the bed and watched as Jane smoothed back Josephine’s thinning white hair.

“Is that better, Josephine?”

“Yes,” she said. “Where’s Walter?”

“I’m not sure,” Jane said.

Mama J yawned as her eyes closed. “Can you find him? Tell him I’m waiting for him.”

“I can do that.” Jane stroked Mama J’s hair. “Go to sleep now.”

“Find Walter?” Mama J mumbled.

“Yes, I’ll find him.” Jane continued to stroke Mama J’s hair until she fell asleep. She sat and watched her thin chest rise and fall for a few minutes before leaning forward and kissing her forehead. “I love you, Mama J. I’ll see you later.”

She stood, and Luke watched as she discreetly wiped her cheeks before turning and smiling at him. “Ready to go?”
