Page 82 of Undeniably His

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No, she most definitely didn’t. She slipped her nightshirt over her head, shut off the bathroom light and walked toward her bed. Despite her long day and the fact that it was two in the morning, she was oddly restless.

Yeah, because you need to get laid!

Her inner voice probably had a point. She’d loved giving Luke oral sex today, it had seemed so decadently naughty to give him head in his office, but she was left feeling achy and unfulfilled all day. She was tempted to take the bus to Luke’s place after work tonight, but that was about the stupidest thing she could do. He would be sleeping and…

She cocked her head and took a step back from the bed. Why could she hear soft snoring? She flicked on the bedside lamp, and her mouth dropped open. Luke was sleeping in her bed.

“What the hell?” she said.

He didn’t stir, and she reached out and poked him in the shoulder. He snorted and rubbed at his face before blinking sleepily at her. “Jane? What are you doing here?”

“What am I doing here?” she asked. “You’re in my bed.”

He glanced around before giving her a sweet little grin. “Oh yeah, right.” He threw back the covers. He was deliciously naked, and she tried not to drool as she stared at his long, lean body. “Climb in, Jane.”

“Luke,” she said, “what are you doing here? Does Amy know you’re here?”

“Yeah. She was still awake when I let myself into the house at eleven. Get into bed. I’m freezing my ass off.”

Her gaze dropped to his crotch, and he groaned when she licked her lips. “If you don’t get into bed right now, I’ll drag you into it.”

She climbed into bed, lying awkwardly on her back. “Why aren’t you at home?”

“Because I told you,” he snuggled up to her and curved his arm around her waist, “I don’t take and not give. Why are you wearing clothes? I’m naked. You should be naked, too.”

“Because I didn’t expect my boss to be in my bed when I got home,” she said.


“This is a terrible idea,” she said as his hand slipped under her nightshirt and cupped her breast. “Now Amy knows and -”

“You’re telling me she didn’t know before?” Luke tweaked her nipple until her back arched.

“I – all right, fine, she knew, but I told her it was just a one-time thing,” Jane gasped. “Now she knows that… oh God, stop doing that!”

“Stop what? This?” He sucked on her nipple through the cotton material of her shirt, and she gripped his hair before pushing his mouth away.

It’s late, and we both have work tomorrow.”

“Yes, it is late,” Luke said. “So, stop talking and let me fuck you.”

“Luke,” she whispered as his hand made circles on her bare abdomen.

“Unless you don’t want me to fuck you. Is that it, Ms. Smith? You don’t want to be fucked?”

His hand slipped between her thighs and cupped her wet pussy. “It doesn’t feel like you don’t want to be fucked.”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “I – I want to be fucked.”

“Good,” he said. “Now, you’re right that it’s late, and I worry that you don’t get enough sleep, so this will be on the quick side. But I promise I’ll take my time on the weekend.”

She wanted to tell him that she wasn’t going anywhere near him on the weekend, but his fingers were rubbing her clit, and it was hard to think straight. The tension and aching she’d felt all day ratcheted up to an almost unbearable level, and she moaned and grabbed his arm.

“You’re so wet, sweet Jane,” he murmured as he slid his finger easily into her aching warmth.

“I’ve been wet all freaking day,” she muttered.

He laughed and nuzzled her throat before kissing her slowly and thoroughly. She sucked at his tongue and thrust her pelvis back and forth.
