Page 76 of Undeniably His

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“You’ve left me no choice,” he murmured. “Since you can’t come by tonight, I have to apologize here.”

“The weekend,” she gasped out as his finger slipped under the crotch of her panties and rubbed at her clit. “You can apologize on the weekend.”

“I can’t wait that long,” he said. “I don’t think you can either.”

“I can,” she whispered. “I – I can wait until…”

She made a low groan as Luke slid his finger into her.

“Don’t lie to me, Ms. Smith,” Luke said as he slowly finger-fucked her. “You need your little pussy eaten right now. Don’t you?”

“Yes,” she said shakily. “Yes, please, Luke.”

He withdrew his hand, and she made a whimper of need. He nipped at her neck before pushing her into a standing position. She stopped him when he started to push up her skirt.

“The door,” she said. “We can’t do this – the door is unlocked.”

He reached into a desk drawer and brought out a small silver remote. He pushed the top button, and there was a low click as the doors locked.

“Problem solved.” He pushed her skirt up around her waist and tugged her panties down her legs. “Lift your foot.”

Like she was in a dream, Jane lifted first one foot and then the other. Luke left her panties on the floor, and she whimpered with pleasure when he kneaded her bare ass.

“Such a beautiful ass,” he said before lightly biting her right ass cheek.

She squealed, and he laughed before squeezing her ass. “Quiet, Ms. Smith.”

“Maybe you should stop biting me then,” she said.

He laughed again before standing. He moved his laptop to the far left of the desk, pushed his phone to the far right, and then patted the shiny space on his desk. “Hop up, Jane.”

She blinked at him. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“You have a better idea?” he asked.

“Yes. The damn couch.” She pointed to the leather couch in his office.

“Maybe next time,” he said. “This time, I want you spread out on my desk while I eat your pussy.”

“There won’t be a next time.” She stared at the locked doors. “We can’t do this again. If we get caught – ”

“Don’t scream when you come, and we won’t get caught.” He turned her to face him and boosted her onto his desk. He unbuttoned her shirt the rest of the way before pushing her bra up around her collarbone. He stared at her breasts, then leaned down and sucked on one throbbing nipple.

She moaned and clutched at his head as he nipped and sucked before pulling away. She pouted at him, and he grinned before pushing her flat onto her back. “As much as I’d love to take my time and kiss every inch of your sweet body, little Jane, I have a meeting in half an hour. You’ll have to be happy with a quick but satisfying pussy eating.”

She blushed, and his grin widened. “God, you’re so fucking adorable. Remember – no screaming my name when you come.”

“Someone’s full of himself, isn’t he?” she said tartly as he removed his suit jacket and tie. He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped out of it before draping it over the back of his office chair. “I never scream, and I’m not about to start now in your office where anyone could – oh God!”

Luke had spread her thighs wide and buried his face in her pussy. Her hips arched, inviting him to lick her harder and deeper. He obliged, sucking on her already swollen clit as her hands clutched his head and pushed him into her. He teased her clit with his tongue as she moaned.

He lifted his head and slapped her lightly on her nylon-clad thigh. “Quiet, Ms. Smith.”

“Luke, don’t stop!” she said in a fierce whisper.

He grinned at her before tracing the top of her thigh high with his fingers. “Who’s the boss here?”

She scowled at him and pulled on his hair. He winced before bending his head and kissing her flat abdomen. “I love the way you taste, little Jane.”
