Page 74 of Undeniably His

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“Yes,” Jane said. “I don’t regret it, but it wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Sleeping with the boss is a quick way to finding yourself unemployed.”

“Luke wouldn’t fire you for sleeping with him,” Amy said. “If he even tried, I’d kick his ass and hire you as my assistant. So, don’t worry about that.”

“Thanks, Ames,” Jane replied.

“You bet, Janie. But for what it’s worth – I think you should consider finding another job and having a relationship with my brother. He’s a good guy, and he likes you. I know he does.”

Jane smiled at her but didn’t say anything. Despite what Amy thought, Luke wasn’t interested in anything more than sex with her. Even if he was, she wasn’t ready to give up the best paying job of her life for a relationship. She wouldn’t find a job that paid as well as this one, and what would happen if she and Luke broke up? She wouldn’t be able to live with Amy anymore, and she’d be right back to where she used to be, only with a lower paying job and a lot less money. Mama J would be kicked out of the care home. Her stomach clenched at the thought, and she must have been pale because Amy touched her arm.

“You okay?”

“Yes. Just tired,” Jane said.

“I’ll let you go to bed. Listen, will you promise to still come to family dinners, at least? My mom and dad like you, and if you stop coming, mom will harass you until you tell her why. It’s easier if you just come to dinner.”

“I’ll try to come at least once a month. How’s that?” Jane said with a smile.

Amy laughed. “I’ll let you work out the schedule with Mom. Good night, Jane.”

“Night, Amy.”

When Amy was gone, she clicked off the light and curled up in the middle of the bed. For a moment, she allowed herself to imagine that she was with Luke and in his bed before pushing the image out of her head. She’d had her night with him, and it was best to forget it ever happened. Of course, that was easier said than done. She was already feeling nervous about tomorrow. What if he treated her differently? What if he –

Enough, Jane! Luke will be fine. You’ll be fine. Everything will be fine. Go to sleep.

She blew her breath out in a harsh rush and closed her eyes. Everything would be fine.


“Ms. Smith! My office now!”

Jane straightened her skirt and pasted a smile on her face before walking toward Luke’s office. She paused with her hand on the door handle. God, she did not want to go in there. The day had started fine. Luke was distant but perfectly polite, and he’d not mentioned Saturday night. She had found it a little disappointing that there wasn’t even a hint of his lust when he looked at her, but she reminded herself fiercely that it was for the best.

However, as the day wore on, Luke became increasingly impatient with her. Just before lunch, he snapped at her about a missing email and then was pissed off with her when she took too long to get his lunch. He was in a meeting from one until two, and he hadn’t even looked at her when he returned. He had stomped by her desk, staring at his cell phone before slamming the door to his office.

“Ms. Smith!”

His angry shout got her moving, and she opened the doors and slipped inside.

“Shut the doors,” he said.

Her stomach flip-flopped, but she shut the doors and gave him a bland smile. “What can I do for you, Mr. Dawson?”

“Amy’s latest drawings are missing from the computer system. Last week, I asked you to ensure the scans were on the F drive.”

“They should be there,” she said. “I remember moving them over.”

“They’re not,” he said impatiently. “I’ve wasted the last half hour looking for them.”

He scowled at her, and her temper snapped. “Then you should have asked me earlier.”

She stomped across his office and stood beside him before pushing on his shoulder. “Move, please, Mr. Dawson.”

He huffed angrily but rolled his chair back. She stood in front of him and used the mouse to click on the F drive and locate the files. It took her less than a minute, and she tried to keep the irritation from her voice. “The files are right here.”

There was no reply, and she looked over her shoulder. Her face flushed. She was slightly bent over his desk, and Luke was staring intently at her ass.

“Mr. Dawson.” God, why was her voice suddenly so hoarse?
