Page 63 of Undeniably His

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“Nonsense,” Amy said. “I was thinking of heading to a movie anyway.”

“It’s fine,” Luke said. “Jane’s right. I should get home and shower.”

“You can shower here,” Amy said.

Luke glared at her, and she smiled sweetly at him. “You don’t want to get paint on your car, Lukie.”

“I’ll risk it,” he muttered. “Bye, Jane. I’m sorry I made such a mess.”

“It’s fine, really. Bye, Luke.”

Without looking at either of them and leaving his shirt on the floor, Luke brushed past Amy. They stood silently until they heard the front door slam. Jane cleared her throat. “Well, I’d better get this cleaned up.”

“I’m so sorry, Janie,” Amy said. “I feel awful.”

“For what?” Jane said. “You didn’t do anything.”

“Like hell, I didn’t. You and my brother were about to get busy, and I ruined the whole mood.”

“We weren’t,” Jane protested. “We were trying to clean up the paint mess.”

“With your mouths?” Amy said.

“You didn’t see what you thought you saw,” Jane said. “We weren’t doing anything.”

Amy snorted laughter before grabbing Jane’s arms. She steered her across the room, skirting around the puddle of paint, and stood Jane in front of the mirror mounted on the back of the door.

“This,” she pointed to the blue handprint on Jane’s right breast before spinning her around and pointing to the handprint on her ass, “and this looks like you were doing something. Unless you like grabbing your own boob and butt for fun?”

Jane turned scarlet before slapping herself in the forehead. “Oh, God. I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not,” Amy said. “I keep telling you there’s something between you and Luke. Hell, the sexual tension practically seeps from both your pores whenever you’re in the same room together.”

Jane sighed. “I keep telling you it’s a bad idea.”

“Yeah, I know. But for what it’s worth, I think you should go for it.”

“I know you do,” Jane said. “Listen, I’d better get this cleaned up before the paint seeps through the drop cloth.”

“I’ll help,” Amy said. “Just let me change.”

“You don’t have to help.”

“I know,” she said. “I want to. Give me two minutes.”


“Janie, did you know you have blue paint in your hair?” Mama J asked as Janie wheeled her down the hallway.

Jane laughed. “Yes. I was painting my room this morning.”

“You’re painting your room?” Mama J gave her a look of alarm as Jane wheeled her into her room. “But I loved the colour of your room. There was nothing wrong with it!”

Her voice was rising, and Jane rubbed her arm soothingly. “Not at your house, Mama J. Remember, I don’t live there anymore.”

Mama J frowned before nodding slowly. “Right. We don’t have a home anymore.”

Tears spilled down her wrinkled cheeks, and Janie squatted next to the wheelchair and took her hand. “Don’t cry. We have each other. That’s all that matters.”
