Page 57 of Undeniably His

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Luke looked up from his computer as Amy walked into his office. She shut the doors and kissed his cheek before sitting down.

“Thanks, Amy.”

“You look tired.”

“Still a little jet lagged.” He glanced at his watch. It was almost twelve-thirty, and he was starving. He was reaching for the phone to ask Jane to order him lunch when there was a soft knock on the door, and it opened. Jane, her cheeks red and the scent of snow clinging to her, carried in a large brown paper bag and set it on the desk.

“I ordered you lunch,” she said.

“Thank you.” He avoided looking at her, and she did the same before giving Amy a brief smile and leaving the room.

“Well, that was awkward as hell,” Amy said.

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Whatever, big brother.”

He leaned back in his chair and cleared his throat. “How is living with Jane going?”

“Really good,” Amy said. “She’s a real sweetheart and the perfect roommate.”

“Are you two becoming friends?” Luke asked.

“I think so,” Amy said. “I don’t see that much of her during the week. She usually goes from here to visit her foster mother and then goes to the club.”

“The club?”

“Yes. She has a second job waitressing at some club on the west side. You didn’t know that?”


She works there Monday to Thursday. She doesn’t get home until after two usually.”

“What?” Luke stared at her, and Amy nodded again.

“I know, right? I don’t know how she does it. I told her she could drive to the office with me in the morning so she wouldn’t have to take the bus anymore, but that still only gives her four hours of sleep. I’d be a friggin’ zombie. We’ve been spending some time together on the weekends when she’s not at the care home with her foster mom, and I like her, Luke. She’s sweet and thoughtful. I’ve made her come to family dinner the past two weekends, and Mom and Dad like her, too. Heck, I think Mom already considers her family. She clucks over her like a mother hen.”

Amy suddenly laughed. “She made this giant casserole and sent it home with us because she thought Jane was too thin. We’ve been eating it for lunches for the past week.”

“She looks like she’s gained weight,” Luke said.

“Yep, she has. Thank God. I was worried about her when she first moved in, but a couple of weeks with a steady supply of groceries has done wonders. She looks so good now. Don’t you think?”

Luke gave his sister a suspicious look before shrugging. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“Bullshit,” Amy said. “You couldn’t keep your eyes off her ass when she was leaving your office a few minutes ago.”

“Keep your voice down,” Luke said. “What club does she work at?”

“I have no idea. She’s weirdly vague about it.”

“She shouldn’t be out alone that late at night.”

“I offered to loan her the cash to buy a car, but she refused,” Amy said. “She said a bus pass is cheaper than gas and insurance. Maybe you should give her a raise.”

Luke didn’t reply, and Amy picked at her bright pink thumbnail before smiling at him. “I’m glad you’re home, Lukie.”

“Thanks, Ames. I am too.”
