Page 54 of Undeniably His

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When Jane bent over to pick up the papers, he grabbed her arm and said, “I’ll get them. Could you, uh, grab me a coffee?”

“Of course, Mr. Dawson,” Jane said.

Jane hurried past Mark with the back of her head aching and her entire face bright red. She shut the doors behind her as Luke sank into his chair.

* * *

Mark strolled to the desk and collapsed in one of the guest chairs. “Hey, Luke?”


“If you’re going to ask your secretary to give you a ‘welcome back to the office blow job’, you should lock your office doors.”

“She wasn’t giving me a blow job!” Luke snapped.

“Really? Because from where I was standing, that’s exactly what it looked like. I don’t blame you. Now that she’s gained some weight, she’s a cute little thing.”

“Stay away from her!” Luke snarled at him, and Mark held up his hands.

“Calm down, dude. I’m not interested in your PA.”

Luke groaned and rubbed his hand across his jaw. “She wasn’t giving me a blow job, Mark. She really did drop some papers. I scared her when I came into the office, and she hit her head on the desk. I was checking to make sure she wasn’t bleeding.”

“I believe you,” Mark said. “How was your vacation?”

“Fine,” Luke said.

“Fine?” Mark arched his eyebrow at him. “That’s it?”

“What do you want me to say?” Luke asked in exasperation.

“I don’t know, maybe that you got your rocks off with some saucy French maid.”

Luke rolled his eyes before swiveling in his chair to stare out the window. There was no way he was telling Mark that he spent most of his week off wishing he was home. More accurately, he wished he was in Jane’s bed.

He groaned again and closed his eyes. What the fuck was wrong with him? He was unbelievably eager this morning to see Jane. The moment he caught sight of her, his dick had gone to half-mast immediately. She had gained weight in the last two weeks, and her skin glowed. The dark circles under her eyes and the sharp points of her cheekbones were gone. She looked well-rested and healthy and…

Sexy as hell.

The way her pretty lips had pursed around his thumb and the feel of her soft tongue licking his skin was so fucking sexy. When she reached for his belt buckle, he had nearly come in his goddamn pants.



“What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing.” He turned around and pulled himself flush against his desk to hide his stiffy before turning on his laptop.

“So, did you find a lovely French lady and butter her biscuit?”

“Don’t be crude, and no, I didn’t.”

“Because you want to butter your PA’s biscuit?” Mark said with a grin.

“Enough, Mark,” Luke said. “Aren’t you even going to ask how it went with the investors?”

“You sent me an email and told me they were being assholes and waffling on it.” Mark gave him a strange look. “You don’t remember that?”
