Page 46 of Undeniably His

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Amy patted the stool next to her. “Sit down and have some pancakes with me.”

Jane sat beside her as Luke put a plate with two pancakes in front of her. “How did you sleep, Jane?”

“Uh, very well. The bed in the guest room is very comfortable.”

“Good. Would you like a coffee?”

“Yes, please. I can get it, though.”

He shook his head. “I’ll grab it. Eat some pancakes.”

Amy passed the syrup and the butter to her. “Eat up, Jane. My brother makes amazing pancakes.”

Amy popped a forkful of pancakes into her mouth as Jane poured syrup over her pancakes before taking a bite. They were light, fluffy, and mouth-wateringly good, and she shoved a couple more bites into her mouth.

Amy grinned at her. “See, told you.”

Luke set a cup of coffee in front of Jane and added another stack of pancakes to the plate in the middle of the table before sitting across from them. He sipped at his cup of coffee as Amy said, “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, much better,” Jane said.

“Good. Luke told me you were having problems with your heat and electricity at your place.”

“Yes.” Jane gave Luke a grateful look. “He offered to let me stay at his place last night. It was very nice of him.”

“That’s my big brother – the nicest guy in town,” Amy said.

Luke gave her a mock scowl, and Amy laughed. “Sometimes, anyway.” She finished her pancakes and sat back with a sigh. “God, those were so good, Luke. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Luke reached across the table and transferred another pancake to Jane’s plate. “Have some more.”

“Thank you,” Jane said.

“So,” Amy said, “Luke also told me you live in the Badlands.”

“I do.”

“Well, that’s horrifying.”

Jane couldn’t help but grin. “It’s not as bad as everyone thinks it is.”

“Says the woman whose roommate is a giant rat,” Luke muttered.

Amy shuddered. “I would have screamed and wet my pants if I opened a cupboard and found a rat in it.”

Jane shrugged. “I’ll pick up a trap today.”

“A trap isn’t going to work,” Luke said solemnly. “A sledgehammer might stop it long enough for you to make it to the fire escape.”

Jane burst into laughter. “Okay, now you’re exaggerating.”

“I am not,” Luke said. “You didn’t actually see it, remember? I’m lucky it didn’t drag me into the cupboard.”

“It sounds like you need a new place to live,” Amy said.

Jane pushed her plate away. It still had half a pancake on it, and she nodded when Luke held his fork over the pancake and gave her a questioning look. He stabbed it with his fork and transferred it to his plate. He finished it as she said, “I’m good where I am.”

“Really? With no heat or electricity and a giant dirty rat living in your kitchen?” Amy said.
