Page 44 of Undeniably His

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He glared at her. “I’m not sleeping with her, Ames.”

“Really?” She looked surprised, and he stood and paced the kitchen.

“Do you think I’m that kind of guy? She’s starving to death, she fainted and spent most of the day in the hospital yesterday, but you think I brought her back to my place for sex?”

Don’t act so sanctimonious, buddy. You would have fucked her last night if she had given even the slightest indication that she wanted it.

He ignored his inner voice as Amy gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry, honey.”

“Apology accepted,” he grumped. “And what do you mean by the way I look at her?”

“Nothing,” she said. “So, Jane is upstairs sleeping in your bed.”

He gave her a look of exasperation. “She’s sleeping in the guest room.”

She grinned at him, and he rolled his eyes. “After the hospital discharged her, I gave her a ride home. Her heat and electricity are cut off, and she has no food. I mean, nothing, Ames. Unless you count the rat living in her cupboards.”

Amy shuddered all over. “There was a rat?”

He nodded. “A big one.”

“Oh God.” Amy paled, and he squeezed her shoulder. She was terrified of rats.

“I made her come home with me. She couldn’t stay at her apartment. It was freezing, and the doctor told me that she was malnourished and needed to eat more. I couldn’t leave her there.”

“She doesn’t have any family she can stay with?” Amy asked.

He shook his head. “She grew up in foster care. She has a foster mom that she’s close to, but the woman lives in a care home after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.”

“God, that poor girl,” Amy said.

“It’s my fault, Amy.”

“What’s your fault?”

“That she doesn’t have heat or electricity or food. I made that stupid comment about her clothes, so she bought Dawson brand clothing with her last paycheque instead of paying her bills and buying groceries.”

“Well, I bet you feel like the biggest horse’s ass in the world right now,” Amy said.

“Now you know why I brought her back here,” he said.

“Do I, though?” she asked cryptically.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. So, now what? You’ll let her live with you until she gets her heat and electricity turned back on?”

He shook his head. “She can’t go back to that apartment. It’s in the Badlands, and the lock on her door is…pitiful. It’s not safe for her there, Amy. I can’t let her go back even if she does get her heat and electricity turned on.”

“Guess you found yourself a roommate then,” Amy said. “That’ll be awkward when the other employees find out your PA is living with you.”

“Actually,” he said, “this is the part where I need your help. You have a spare room at your place.”

“You want me to invite Jane to live with me?” she asked.


