Page 38 of Undeniably His

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He didn’t reply. He was a little ashamed to realize he had taken Jane’s arm because he wanted to touch her rather than keep her upright if she fainted again.

No one was in the lobby this time, and he followed her up the stairs to her apartment. She unlocked her door and smiled again at him. “Thank you so much for your help today. I appreciate it, and I’m sorry I was so much trouble. Good night, Luke.”

“Invite me in, Jane,” he said.

“I’m sorry?”

“Invite me in, please.”

“Mr. Dawson,” she said with a sigh, “if you’re going to fire me, just say so, all right? I know what I did today was terrible, and I understand why you’re firing me, but I’d rather not drag it out.”

“I’m not firing you,” he said. “But I am coming in to make sure you eat something.”

She twisted a lock of her hair. “I’ll eat dinner. I promise.”

“I know you will,” he said, “because I’m cooking it for you.”

Before she could protest, he stepped around her and pushed open the door. He stepped inside the hallway and groped blindly for the light switch. He found it and flicked it up, cursing when nothing happened.

“Your power is out.”

“It happens sometimes.” She sounded nervous.

Luke, what are you doing? Of course she’s nervous. She was almost raped as a teenager. Do you think she’s okay with you coming into her apartment uninvited?

Fuck! He was a goddamn idiot. He should leave before he made things worse, but his need to make sure that she ate and his weird desire to spend time with her kept him from going.

“Jane, I won’t hurt you, okay?” He said. “I promise. I just want to make sure that you have some dinner.”

She flicked on her phone flashlight and stared in surprise at him. “I know you won’t hurt me, Mr. Daw – Luke.”

“Why is it so cold in here?” he asked as she removed her boots. He followed her down the hallway to the kitchen.

“Uh, my heat isn’t working very well. Mr. Ranson hasn’t fixed it yet.” She chewed on her bottom lip. He was starting to recognize it as a sign of her anxiety, and he studied her in the dim light.

“Is that right?”

“Yes.” She lit the candle on the table. “Well, with the electricity out, I guess you won’t be able to cook me dinner, so…”

“I’m resourceful,” he said. “Go change, and I’ll start dinner.”

He turned on the flashlight on his phone and walked toward the fridge. “Go on, Jane.”

He opened the fridge and held up his phone. It was empty, and he muttered an obscenity before moving to the cupboards. He opened the door of the nearest cabinet and shone the flashlight into it. It was empty as well, and he opened two more. They were just as empty, and he frowned at her. “Where’s your food?”

She bit at her lip again, and he sighed and opened the last cupboard as she said, “Luke, it’s not - ”

“Jesus Christ!” He jumped back and slammed the cupboard door shut before spinning around to face her. “There is a very large fucking rat in your cupboard, Jane.”

A look of fear crossed her face, and she took a few steps back.

“Your cupboards and fridge are empty – unless you count the cat-sized rat – and you have no power or heat. What the hell is going on?” Luke said.

“I told you,” she said, “sometimes the power goes out.”

“Don’t lie to me,” he said.

She pressed her lips into a thin line, and he took her arm. “Tell me the truth.”
