Page 34 of Undeniably His

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Jane rubbed a shaky hand across her forehead. Her head throbbed miserably, and she felt sick to her stomach. Why had she eaten that orange last night? She was so hungry she could barely think straight, and her plan to catch up on her sleep last night had failed miserably. It was so cold in her apartment that she kept waking up, and she cringed at the thought of how awful it would be tonight. The weather had dropped another few degrees overnight, and they called it the coldest winter in years. She would freeze to death in her own damn apartment.

You can spend most of the weekend with Mama J. It’s warm there.

Yes, she could if Mama J wanted to see her. She called the care facility this morning, and Bev, the day nurse, told her that Mama J still wasn’t doing well. She had told Jane to call before coming tonight because if Mama J acted like she was this morning, there would be no point in stopping by to see her.

She printed off the document she had typed and grabbed it from the printer before walking to Mr. Dawson’s office. He had been waiting nearly an hour for it, but she couldn’t get her brain to work right today.

She knocked and poked her head into the office. Amy stood by the window, and she smiled before beckoning to come in. Mr. Dawson was on the phone and didn’t look up as Jane placed the paper on his desk and turned to leave. The room spun wildly, and a loud buzzing started in her ears. She groped frantically for the desk as her knees buckled, and the room went black.

* * *

“No, I understand that the – shit!” Luke dropped the phone into the cradle and jumped up as Amy made a soft gasp. Jane, her hand groping weakly behind her, crumpled like a paper doll. He ran around the desk and caught her before she hit the floor. She was dead weight in his arms as he lifted her and carried her to his chair. He sat down and cradled her in his lap as Amy rushed forward.

“Luke? What happened?”

“She fainted.” He felt for the pulse in her neck. It was weak but steady, and he stroked her cheek. “Jane, wake up.”

“Should I call 9-1-1?” Amy asked.

“Let’s give her a minute.” Luke called her name again and shook her gently in his arms. Her eyes rolled beneath her eyelids, and she made a soft little groan before blinking at him.

He leaned her against his chest and rubbed her back. “How do you feel?”

“F-fine. What happened?”

“You fainted,” he said.

“I did?” she asked.

“Yes. Amy, can I have your juice?”

She opened the bottle of juice and handed it to him. He held it to Jane’s mouth. “Drink, Jane.”

She took a few sips, and he held the bottle to her mouth again. “Drink some more.”

She drank more, and he breathed a sigh of relief when her harsh trembling eased a little.

Looking relieved, Amy said, “She’s getting some colour back in her face.”

“I’m so sorry,” Jane said. She tried to stand up, and he tightened his arm around her.

“No, don’t move yet,” he said. “Finish the juice, please.”

“I’m feeling much better,” Jane protested. “Please, I’m so embarrassed.”

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Amy said. “Drink the juice, honey.”

Jane drank the rest of the juice and wiped her mouth with her hand before giving Amy a shaky smile. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me,” Amy said. “Luke was the one who caught you before you smacked your head on the floor and gave yourself a concussion.”

Pale pink flooded her cheeks, and she stared at his tie. “God, I’m so sorry, Mr. Dawson.”

“It’s fine,” he said. “How do you feel?”

“Much better,” she said. “Can you let me go now, please?”

He didn’t want to. He wanted to keep Jane in his lap until her shaking stopped completely, but she gave him a pleading look. With a harsh sigh, he let go of her slender body. “Stand up slowly.”
