Page 27 of Undeniably His

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Luke stared at Jane’s empty desk. It was just before eight, and she usually sat at her desk already. A thin thread of worry went through him – she hadn’t looked good yesterday – but he shook it off. She was fine. He headed into his office and hung his jacket on the coat hook before closing the doors. Jane wasn’t his problem. He had enough on his plate. It was a relief not to be fighting with Mark anymore, but he still had what felt like a thousand things to finish before -

He stopped in his tracks and stared silently at the couch. Jane was curled up on it, and he hurried over. He squatted and breathed a sigh of relief when he realized she was sleeping. He reached for her shoulder to shake her awake but stroked her cheek instead. She didn’t move, and he grinned when she began to snore softly. He stroked her cheek again – God, she had soft skin – and then moved his hand to her shoulder to shake her awake.

Don’t. She needs sleep.

He hesitated. His inner voice was right. Jane looked utterly exhausted. Her skin was too pale, and the dark circles under her eyes almost looked like bruises. Still, he should wake her up and send her home. If she was too tired to work, she shouldn’t be here.

Let her sleep. You think she’s going to get any rest at that shithole apartment? She probably spends most of her nights awake because she’s worried she’ll be attacked. You saw the lock on her door – it wouldn’t keep out a determined toddler.

He stood abruptly and shrugged out of his suit jacket. He draped it over her thin body and smiled again when she sighed happily and burrowed her face under it. He walked to his desk as her soft snoring started again.

* * *

“Hey, Luke?” Mark strolled into his office just before noon. “I know this is bad timing, but I’ve got some financial statements you need to review before Friday. Also, I’m starving and heading to O’Keefe’s for lunch. Want to join me?”

“Keep your voice down,” Luke said in a low voice as he glanced at the couch.

Mark followed his gaze. “Luke? Buddy? Why is your assistant sleeping on your couch?” He dropped into the chair. “Shit, tell me you didn’t screw her right here at the office.”

“Jesus, Mark,” Luke said. “No, I didn’t screw her. I came in this morning and found her asleep on the couch.”

“So, you covered her up with your suit jacket and left her to sleep the morning away? Most employers fire their employees for sleeping on the job.”

“I don’t think she feels well,” Luke said.

“Then send her home. Or are you hoping she passes her germs to you so you can get out of looking at these financial statements?”

Luke snorted and shook his head. “No. I’ll take them home with me and look over them tonight. I need to pass on lunch, though.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I’ll get something delivered from the deli and eat at my desk.”

Mark stood and glanced at Jane again before giving Luke a considering look.

“What?” Luke asked.

“Nothing,” Mark said. “See you later.”

When he was gone, Luke looked up the number for the deli. He would usually have Jane order lunch and pick it up, but it was bitterly cold outside. Sending her out in her stupidly thin jacket would be cruel. He glanced again at Jane’s pale face before ordering enough food for both of them.

* * *

“Do you like it, Jane?”

Her boss’s low voice saying her given name sent a tingle down her spine, and she smiled up at him. “It’s amazing. I love it.”

He put his arm around her waist and pulled her back against his hard body before nuzzling her ear. “Good, I’m glad.”

She studied the table in front of her. All her favourite foods covered it, and her mouth watered as she stared at the roast chicken and mashed potatoes. She would smother everything in gravy and eat and eat until the constant, horrible ache in her stomach finally disappeared.

Her boss nuzzled her ear again, and something sweeter overshadowed the hunger pangs. Heat bloomed in her belly, and she shivered in his arms when he placed a warm kiss on her throat.

“How are you going to thank me?” he murmured.

“Whatever you want,” she whispered.

He made a low sound of approval as his hand moved from her waist to her breast and squeezed gently. “Whatever I want?”
