Page 22 of Undeniably His

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“Yes, Mr. Dawson,” she said.

His cock twitched, and he pushed the blunt head of it into her narrow opening. She was unbelievably tight, and he knew he should wait and allow her to adjust, but he couldn’t stop. He pushed forward as she dug her fingers into his biceps.

“Mr. Dawson, it’s too big,” she complained.

“It isn’t,” he said. “Spread your legs wider.”

She obeyed immediately, and he pushed in to the hilt, ignoring her small gasp of discomfort. Her fingers were digging into his back, and he stared down at her. She was trapped beneath him, and he reached between their bodies and rubbed her clit until she was moaning in pleasure. He made a few deep thrusts as her thighs pressed uselessly against his hips.

“Oh, Mr. Dawson, your big cock feels so good in my pussy,” she moaned again.

He propped himself up on his hands and thrust again. “You’re being a very good girl, Ms. Smith,” he rasped. “Do you like being stuffed full of my cock?”

“Oh yes,” she cried. “Yes, Mr. Dawson. I’ve never had a cock this big before.”

He closed his eyes and rocked back and forth. Her pussy gripped him so tightly that he could feel his orgasm starting almost immediately. The base of his spine was tingling, and he grunted loudly as he plunged in and out. Her small body shook under his, and he opened his eyes. She was staring up at him, and he kissed her deeply.

“Mr. Dawson,” she gasped. “You’re not going to come in me, are you?”

He grinned at her, and her eyes widened. “You can’t!”

“Yes, I can.” He pinned her slender arms above her head. “You’re mine, Ms. Smith, and if I want to come in you, I will. Do you understand?”

She didn’t reply, and he thrust even harder. Fuck, he was so close to coming. “Do you understand, Ms. Smith?” He gritted out between clenched teeth.

She opened her mouth and said, “This weather just isn’t letting up, folks! Make sure you dress warmly today – it’s gonna be a cold one!”

He blinked at her. “Jane?”

“Just got a text from a listener. He’s on the freeway north of Exit 120 and says it is slow going. Three car crash, and traffic is backed up to Exit 72. You might want to consider a different route for your morning commute if you’re headed that way. Stay safe and remember to - ”

Luke jerked awake. He sat up and stared at the alarm clock beside his bed before groaning and slamming his hand down on the top. The radio host’s voice cut out, and Luke groaned again and collapsed on his back. He stared up at the ceiling in confusion and then at the left side of the bed. He almost expected to see Jane lying there. It was empty, and with a low moan, he threw the covers off and grabbed his erect cock. His balls throbbed with the need for release, and his hips arched as he jerked his dick with harsh strokes. An image of Jane popped into his head, and he came immediately, hot liquid spurting out from his cock to splash across his stomach as he squeezed and rubbed almost angrily.

Panting, he stared wide-eyed at the ceiling as his cock softened in his hand. Holy fuck, he had a goddamn sex dream about his PA.

* * *

Monday morning, Jane smoothed down her new skirt and straightened her suit jacket before knocking on Mr. Dawson’s office door. On Saturday, she’d gone to one of the shops along Seventeenth Avenue. She was a little afraid that the salespeople would be rude or scornful – she definitely didn’t look like their usual clientele – but the woman who helped her was very nice. She had asked what Jane’s budget for clothing was and didn’t laugh when Jane told her. She spent more than two hours with Jane, bringing her outfits to try on and helping her figure out how to make the most of her money.

In the end, Jane had walked out with two suits, a dress, a blouse and a pair of dress pants. All of them were Dawson brand clothing, and she hoped it would convince Mr. Dawson she was serious about her job.

She was happy with her new clothes, but she had spent all of her grocery money and the money earmarked for electricity and heat. She was behind on both bills, but her heat wasn’t working anyway. If they cut it off, what was the difference? As for electricity – well, she had candles.

After shopping, she visited with Mama J for a while. She was bright and alert on Saturday, but when Jane stopped in again on Sunday morning, her foster mother was confused and withdrawn. She didn’t remember her and became agitated when Jane tried to tell her who she was.

She had stuck around for awhile, visiting the other residents in the common room and hoping that Mama J’s mind would clear. Unfortunately, even after her nap, she was confused and belligerent. Jane finally gave up and left around two, stopping at the grocery store to purchase a loaf of bread, another jar of peanut butter, and a bag of oranges.

Her stomach growled at the memory of food, and she rubbed it lightly. She’d eaten an orange for breakfast, and despite her hunger, the thought of eating another peanut butter sandwich for lunch made her a little nauseous.

“Christ, come in already!”

She jumped and realized she was still standing outside Mr. Dawson’s door. By the irritation in his voice, he had been calling for her to come in for awhile. Clutching the envelope in her sweaty hand, she opened the door and smiled at him.

“Good morning, Mr. Dawson.”

He didn’t look up from his computer screen. “Good morning, Ms. Smith.”

She placed the envelope on the shiny surface of his desk. “I wanted to apologize again for Friday night and bring you the money I owe you.”
