Page 13 of Undeniably His

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“Just fine?” Amy said. “Give me some details, Luke.”

Luke sighed and leaned back in his chair. “She seems intelligent and competent. I haven’t had to repeat instructions, and she has a good return time on the documents I give her. She hasn’t cried yet and doesn’t try to make small talk.”

Amy studied him carefully. “But?”

“Nothing,” Luke said.

“Spill it, Luke. You know you can’t keep anything a secret from me.”

Luke tugged at his tie. “She smells like peanut butter.”

Amy gaped at him. “What?”

“She smells like peanut butter. She’s eaten a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and lunch for the last two days. Who does that past the age of ten?”

“Plenty of people. You don’t like peanut butter, but that doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t,” Amy said.

“That’s all she eats,” he said. “I think she might have an eating disorder or something.”

“Just because a girl is on the slender side doesn’t mean she has an eating disorder,” Amy said with a frown. “Don’t be that guy, Luke.”

“I’m not trying to be,” he said. “I honestly think she might have a problem. Now that she’s wearing clothes that fit, she’s even thinner than I thought.”

“You’re not firing her because you don’t like what she eats,” Amy said.

“I know that,” Luke replied. “But for someone who works for a clothing design company, she wears terrible clothes. I meet with investors and buyers all the time. What happens when they walk by her desk and see her dressed like that?”

“Don’t be so shallow,” Amy said.

“Look, like it or not, how our employees dress is important in this company. It’s why we don’t do casual Fridays.”

“If it bothers you so much, give her a clothing allowance,” Amy said.

“Like I told you before, I’ve never done that for an employee, and I’m not starting now,” Luke said. “If she can’t afford to buy nice clothes, that’s not my problem.”

“You’re being a dick,” Amy announced.

“Yes, well, if you’re finished insulting me, I have a lot of work to do.”

Amy stood and blew him a kiss. “Be nice to her, Luke.”

“I’m not the nice one – you are, remember?”

“You should try it sometime. It feels good to be nice.” She grinned at him and left his office before he could reply.

* * *

“Here’s your lunch, Mr. Dawson. I’m sorry it took so long – there was a line at the deli.”

Luke looked up as Jane hurried into his office. The scent of snow and cold air clung to her, and she wore her thin jacket. Her hands and face were bright red from the cold, and her lips were blue. He sighed inwardly. She wasn’t even wearing gloves or a scarf, for God’s sake.

She put the brown paper bag on his desk and smiled tentatively. “The documents have been delivered to the lawyer’s office.”

“Your lips are blue,” he said.

“It’s a bit chilly out.”

He studied her thin jacket. “You should dress more appropriately for the weather.”
