Page 11 of Undeniably His

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He waited for her to leave and gave her an impatient look when she didn't. “What?”

“Are you going to call Maria and tell her?”

“You want me to call her right now?”



“Because then she can tell Jane right away. She was upset when she left your office, and I want her to hear the good news today.”

He sighed loudly. “You’re not going to leave my office until I call Maria, are you?”


He picked up the phone and punched in Maria’s extension as Amy gave him a delighted grin.

* * *

“Hello, Mama J.”

“Janie! How are you, dear?” Mama J gave her a warm look, and Jane breathed a sigh of relief before kissing her cheek.

“I’m great. How was your day?”

“Oh, fine. I watched a movie in the common room with some other residents and worked a little on my scarf.” She stared at the knitting in her lap before stroking the soft yarn.

“You didn’t eat,” Jane said.

Mama J stared at the plate of food. “I was waiting for you. I thought we could eat together.”

“I’d like that.” Jane moved the food tray closer to Mama J and pulled out her peanut butter sandwich from her purse.

“That’s not a very big dinner, dear,” Mama J said as she ate her meatloaf. “Why don’t we share mine?”

“No. This is more than enough.” Jane forced herself to eat her sandwich slowly. When she was finished, she filled her water bottle from the sink in the bathroom and drank all of it, hoping it would help ease the hunger pains in her stomach.

“What did you do today?” Mama J asked.

“I have the most wonderful news,” Jane said. “I got a promotion at work. I’m the new assistant to the president of the company. I start Thursday.”

“Congratulations, honey,” Mama J said. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you. I didn’t make a very good impression in the interview, so when Maria told me I got the job, I almost didn’t believe it.”

“I’m sure you made a terrific impression. You’re such a sweet girl, Janie, and you deserve all the good things that come to you. I love you.”

“I love you too, Mama J,” Jane said. “This new job is just what I need to turn my luck around. I have a feeling that it will only get better from now on.”

Mama J smiled at her, and Jane leaned forward and hugged her. “Everything’s going to work out, Mama J. I know it.”


“Hello, Jane.”

Jane swallowed the mouthful of peanut butter sandwich and placed her napkin over the other half before smiling at the woman who had pinned her skirt together. “Hi there.”

“How’s the new job going?”
