Page 58 of Bruno

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Lark shrugged, edging forward when the line moved. “I don’t know. I’m thinking about going, but I’m wondering if a trip together is too soon.” She let out a heavy sigh.

“Go with your gut. Although you’re much more adventurous than I am.”

“You used to be down for whatever at one time too. If a man asked you to take a trip with him for the weekend, would you go? If you’d only known him a few weeks?”

“Honestly? I wouldn’t even if I’d known him longer than a few weeks.”

“Why not?” Lark sounded surprised.

Marissa paused, wondering if she should divulge Bruno’s offer. “I’m about to tell you something, and you can’t tell a soul.”

“Who am I going to tell? Spill it.” Lark leaned closer.

“Remember that client—the chef who I’m trying to find a wife for?”

“Oh yeah, the hot Hispanic guy?” Her eyes brightened.

“Yes. Anyway, he um… he invited me to attend the James Beard Awards with him in L.A. As a platonic guest.”

“What!” Lark shrieked.

The man holding the pillows turned around to look at them.

“Excuse us,” Marissa said.

Lark flashed a smile and then returned her attention to Marissa. “What!” she repeated in a whisper. “You’re the one who’s been holding out.”

“I said no, of course.”

“Why?” Her friend sounded disappointed.

“Because he’s a client. Coincidentally, the awards are taking place the same weekend Chet is taking Theo to Disney World. I’ll be home alone, but I’ll have plenty to do, and without Theo underfoot, I could work on projects I’ve been putting off. I need to reorganize my closet, for one.”

“Wait, wait, time out.” Lark did the time out sign. “You got invited to L.A., but you’d rather stay home and reorganize your closet?”

Marissa wrinkled her nose. “When you put it that way, staying home sounds ridiculous.”

“Because it is. Do you have to pay for your ticket?”

She shook her head. “He’s chartering a plane.”

Lark’s mouth fell open. “Do you have to pay for your hotel room?”

Marissa shook her head again. “He has a house in L.A., and we’re going to stay there. I’ll have my own room.”

Lark cocked her head to the side and squinted. “Let me get this straight, a gorgeous billionaire chef offered you an all-expenses paid trip to L.A. and you turned him down because…?”

“A few minutes ago you said you were hesitant to go on a weekend trip with a man you’re dating,” Marissa reminded her friend with a cocked eyebrow.

“Because we’ve only known each other a few weeks. I’m not sure if I know him well enough yet. This is your client. You’ve known him for a couple of months, and the background check came back fine, or you wouldn’t be working with him. This man invited you to attend an awards ceremony. I don’t know much about the James Beard Awards, but I know they’re prestigious. You should go.” She bumped Marissa with her elbow.

Marissa pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “I don’t know. Going is risky.”

“Because of your attraction to him?”

“Yes. He’s very tempting. I mean very, very tempting.”

“Oh, honey, I know. I saw him.”
