Page 52 of Bruno

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“It’s been eight fucking years! What do you want from me?” Chet asked in a fierce whisper.

Marissa rested her hands on the bar separating them. “I want you to move on because it’s been eight fucking years. You and I are never going to happen. We’re never going to raise our son together.”

His jaw hardened and his eyes flashed with anger. “You’ve met someone haven’t you?”

She flung up her hands in exasperation. “Oh my goodness, I can’t with you.”

“Tell me because you’re acting extra saucy.”

“I haven’t met anyone, okay? I want you to understand that what we had is over. You killed our relationship, not me. You stepped out on me before we started living together.”

“It was a mistake! How many times do I have to say that?”

“A mistake over the course of months? That’s a mistake I can’t forgive. Once a year you do this. Can you not anymore? Please. Let it go, Chet. Your wife is out there waiting for you.”

“No,” he said through gritted teeth. “She’s standing in front of me right now, raising my kid on the other side of town when we could be raising him together.”

“I don’t know why you can’t accept that we’ll never get back together.”

“Maybe because three years ago you let me crawl between your legs again. I can’t forget that.”

“A mistake I deeply regret.”

She’d never forgive herself for that moment of weakness. She didn’t even come. But as soon as she felt his orgasmic trembling above her, she regretted sleeping with him and wished she could turn back time and never let him into her bed again.

“You can make a mistake, but I can’t,” Chet said in a churlish voice.

Marissa stared at him in disbelief. “Really? Are you serious? Those are two completely different mistakes.”

His voice lowered. “We were good together once. Happy. What we had is once in a lifetime. We’re soulmates.”


He leaned across the bar. “I never believed in soulmates until you. You are my soulmate. That’s why I can’t let go, and you’re wrong to give up on us. You’re thirty-one years old. Why do you think you haven’t met anyone? Because I’m the man you’re supposed to be with.” He tapped his chest.

“Soulmates don’t cheat.”

“There you go again with that bullshit. Jeez, give me a break.” He ran his fingers over his buzzed hair.

“The only reason you and I have any type of contact is because of Theo. He’s the best thing to come out of our relationship, and all I want is for us to get along and be good parents to our son. Stop everything else.”

Tension vibrated in the room like a live wire.

“I’m ready!” Theo came rushing in wearing one of his Spiderman costumes. He posed with his hands on his hips.

“Spiderman again, Theo?” Marissa asked.

“Yes!” He grinned.

She laughed. “All right, I guess you’re ready to go.”

Chet picked up Theo’s bags, flinging their son’s backpack over his shoulder. “I’ll see you Sunday night. Think about what I said.”

He was exhausting.

“There’s nothing to think about.”

“Things could be different, Marissa.” Chet dropped his voice to a whisper. “They could be better. Do you want to spend the rest of your life alone?”
