Page 112 of Bruno

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“And you changed mine. What I think about love and what I think about marriage. I have not, however, changed my mind about what I’d do when I found the right woman. I told you when I found the woman I wanted to marry, I wouldn’t wait. I want to get married right away. You said you love me, and I love you. Marry me. Let’s take more trips and spend more time with family. I need you. I need you to be here when I get back from my business trips. I need you to listen to my complaints and cheer on my accomplishments. Let me take care of you and Theo. Let’s take care of each other.”

“You’re serious.” She searched his face.

“I love you and Theo, and I want to be there for both of you. I want to be your anchor, and I don’t want you to have doubts about my intentions. I’ll keep my promises and give you the life you’ve dreamed of. Lean on me. You don’t have to do this alone.”

Those were the best words she’d ever heard.

Marissa flung her arms around his neck and melted into his embrace. The man of her dreams had arrived. He didn’t look or sound the way she had expected, but he was there nonetheless. Her soulmate.

“Is that a yes?” Bruno asked against her earlobe.

She laughed and nodded, so overwhelmed with emotion, she couldn’t speak. Finally, after an eternity, she whispered, “Yes.”

Bruno kissed her gently and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “You had me worried for a minute.”

“I can’t make things easy for you,” she joked.

They kissed, and as her body heated, Marissa whimpered quietly, happy to be in his arms again. Her days had been empty and bleak without him.

The sound of the school bus outside made her pull away. “Theo’s here.”

They both went to the window, and she watched as her son descended the bus with the other kids in the neighborhood. They all went their separate ways, and he started the climb up the stairs to the second floor.

Marissa opened the door and he rushed in, tossing his backpack on the floor.

When he saw Bruno, he gasped and his eyes widened. “Bruno!”

He raced over, and Bruno lifted him into a hug. “Hey, there.”

“Where have you been?” Theo asked, as he was placed back on his feet.

“I had some things to take care of.”

“Work?” Theo asked.

“Something like that.”

“Mommy lost her job,” he said in a solemn voice.

“She told me.”

“Are we still going to the game?” Theo asked tentatively.

Bruno dropped to his haunches. “Yes. I promised we would, and we will. You, me, Damon, Junior, and Tracy. We’ll be up in the stands cheering on the Braves.”


He flung his arm around Bruno’s neck. “I missed you.”

Marissa covered her mouth and blinked back tears. Her son was so open and giving with affection.

Bruno hugged him and cradled the back of his head. “I missed you too.”

Chapter Forty-Two

“Ohmigod, congratulations!” Lark’s happy squeal came through the phone line loud and clear.

Marissa grinned as she packed snacks for Theo, who would be leaving with his father when he showed up. “We’re going ring shopping tomorrow.”
